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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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  1. [BIS]V1ad


    792000000 kph as Passenger our Galaxy. (Near Speed Of Light) (By the some version)
  2. [BIS]V1ad


    9,8 ms2 (sec - per - sec) when i falling.....
  3. [BIS]V1ad


    900'000 kph. As passenger of Solar System aroung Galaxy Core.
  4. [BIS]V1ad

    League server changes March 2009

    Why u prefer NL datacenter? What u talk about USA datacenter or somewhere? Awaiting DOG online.
  5. [BIS]V1ad

    one more reason why women should stay indoors

    Humanity. No more reason. )
  6. [BIS]V1ad

    DoG Std Server Password - Heeelp!!!

    Very funny
  7. [BIS]V1ad

    DoG Std Server Password - Heeelp!!!

    Heeeeeelp!!!! Im playning on the DoG Std server at least 3 yrs. I know OLD password. its begims "<cut>". But, after rebuildig server this password incorrect. Did anybody know correct password? Could u say.... My internet segment "at risk zone" as DeadBoy sad 3 yrs ago.
  8. [BIS]V1ad

    DoG Servers Update - January 2009

    Server std DOG is pwd protected Server std DOG is pwd protected 4 my internet segment. I know old password, but its incorrect. HEEEELP!!!!! :mad:
  9. [BIS]V1ad

    Dog Standard Server Passowrd?

    Who is cheat? Me? I never fucking cheat. Just want to know password
  10. [BIS]V1ad

    Dog Standard Server Passowrd?

    and who is weirdo
  11. [BIS]V1ad

    Dog Standard Server Passowrd?

    Ok i'll try. Thank ? very much
  12. [BIS]V1ad

    Dog Standard Server Passowrd?

    maybe it work at special IP adresses
  13. [BIS]V1ad

    Dog Standard Server Passowrd?

    Who know, why is DOG STANDARTis password protected? And who know this password?
  14. [BIS]V1ad

    Server 8

    its domain name.
  15. [BIS]V1ad

    Laptop shut down HELP!

    looks like hardware problem
  16. [BIS]V1ad

    Assault demos needed for a movie !

    Wtf Dog Server Password? Wtf Dog Server Password?