What if?

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The japanese are heading to the moon next year or summat like that and if there aint any american flag and footprints, someone's gonna be quite pissed off....
Just another little addition to this one (It's one of my pet subjects).

As well as the actual moonrock that has been brought back from a variety of locations on the moon (kinda hard to fake that) there's the eye witness accounts..

The Trans-llunar injection burn for the apollo missions was *brilliant* in it's intensity, and was witnessed by crowds of people on Mauna Kea, one of the observatories on hawaii..

Add to that the various Radio Amateurs (my old Physics Teacher was one of them) who listened in to the radio traffic coming from the Command Module during the missions.. that's *incredibly* hard to fake, if not completely impossible (even with 2003 technology)

The main thing about it is: all of the apollo hardware was built by real people, thousands of them working in hundreds of contractor companies across the US.. I'm a hardware designer (I build microcontroller circuits) and I'm absolutely certain that you could not have had that many creative engineers who would agree to spend years of their lives designing systems, only to happily go along with faking it.

And here's the thing: Nobody built a system to automatically fly and land the apollo modules, it was all flick switches and manually operated. It's *much* harder to have the whole thing happen automatically than it is to have a human learn how to operate the machines and do that.

All of the Apollo hardware stands up to scrutiny: it would work (and did work), exactly as designed.

Personally I'm hoping that during my lifetime I can buy a tourist trip to the Armstrong Aldrin Museum at Tranquility base, and see the original landing site... and we can once and for all bin this ridiculous conspiracy theory!
I just wonder whats this about a mirror? Reflecting laser beams? If its a mirror sure then someone have put it there but if its just someting that reflects laser beams, then wohaa they discovered some cristalline mineral reflecting lightwaves. Then a few years later they upgraded it with a mirror..

Btw i think its pretty odd that the americans are so famous for the moon landings, gues seven more know Armstrong then Gagarin which is pretty odd. The step of actually getting first into space must be higher sounding then landing at the moon? Who cares about the moon really? Especially if its supposed to be of any warlike interest a shiuttle orbiting around the earth must be bit more interesting then a holdiday shuttle to the most booring place?

but no one knew for sure that it was so boring. Until then people had just been flying highter and higher. To actually land on another planetary body is much more of a goal.
same with mars, we seen enough gray dust & rocks from the moon. Now they want red dust & rocks :p: