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Armin van Buuren - Armin_van_buuren-armin_only_the_next_level-dvdrip-xvid-2005-mVz
Stump - Charlton Heston

:rofl: love the lyrics

The pyramids were in construction
The pharoah glowed with satisfaction
But then to his immense surprise
His empire fell before his eyes
A hundred thousand busy slaves
Downed their tools and stood and stared

The Red seawalls stood like a canyon
The pharoah pulled up in his wagon
And saw within those walls of glass
A herd of whales go racing past
A hundred thousand fishy tales
Crossed his mind about the day

Then Charlton Heston put his vest on

The broken tablets had been mended
The golden calf had been up-ended
And old folk sitting round the fire
Would talk of voices from the sky
Babies sailing down the Nile
The recipe for locust pie
A hundred thousand frogs per mile
We'd always ask them to describe

How Charlton Heston put his vest on

Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal
Shalt not commit adultery
Boils the size of fifty pee
Lights! Camel! Action!
Bushes that refuse to burn
See these sandals hardly worn
Raining blood, raining bread
The night we painted Egypt red
Thou shalt not covet, shalt not lie
Thou shalt not bonk your neighbour's wife
The recipe for egg fried lice
A hundred ways to kill a fly
Love your daddy, love your mummy
Put your bread in milk and honey
Loved his fish, he did, he did
Never beat the wife and kids
Slouch though desert, slouch through sand
Until we reach the promised land
Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal
Shalt not commit adultery
Boils the size of fifty pee
Lights! Camel! Action!​
NOFX - I Am Going To Hell For This One

Jesus Christ will resurrect
He's got his BMI royalty to collect
He's not the white fragile hippie
He looks and acts more like an indignant ICE-T
Jesus Christ is coming back
He wants to kick Mel Gibson's ass
Superstar, The Passion of
He wants his money, not your love

He's been kickin' 2000 years
He's fixed a lot of sports
and drank a million beers
Some ecstasy, a thin white line
He says designer drugs beat the hell out of wine
Jesus Christ on vacation
Spreading mass sacreligion
"Sex and drugs, we abstain"
He thinks Christians are insane
They don't know love,
they know fear and moral hauteur
Scare tactics I never taught
"If you're gonna look to me,
better get rose colored shades,
Cuz what you see is what you get"​

Just about sums it up