Weapon Sensitivity

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Jul 10, 2001
postin this after seein bamse's post about changin his sensitivity for sniper and losin his preferred setting for mini:

U=GetWeapon sniperrifle | set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 3.5
i=GetWeapon minigun2 | set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 6

change MouseSensitivity based on your mouse/preferences.
here's the weapons:

UT_Eightball (rox)
WarheadLauncher (deemer)


Edit: or you could make 1 key to switch:

Aliases[17]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 6 | set input i losens",Alias=hisens)
Aliases[18]=(Command="set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity 3.5 | set input i hisens",Alias=losens)

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had that change with mouse sense long time ago. But I aim better with faster then slower now
but its a good thing to use sometimes :)
Using the first way you explained is only useful if you have binds for every single weapon IMO.

still i dont think id be able to hit stuff withmy mousespeed changing during fight. i use the onebutton change script for some years and i only make use of it for ripper shots because my mouse always makes jumps of 2-3 pixels. in normal sens (which is still low enough to be good with sniper and fast enough to be good with rl/mini) this what its about IMO, to find a sens youre good with all the time.

I know some players who also change fov with getweapon keys, and i think its polle who also alters crosshair depending on weapons.
:) Thx locky for your time!
Hope it can help some people, I have tried that bind with low and high sense, I have also tried:

Aliases[28]=(Command="set engine.input MouseX axis aMouseX speed=3 | set engine.input MouseY axis aMouseY speed=3 | set input v mousespdhigh",Alias=mousespdlow)
Aliases[29]=(Command="set engine.input MouseX axis aMouseX speed=6 | set engine.input MouseY axis aMouseY speed=6 | set input v mousespdlow",Alias=mousespdhigh)

Which change the speed not sense...

But none did fit me very well so know I use sens 1,8 and speed 6 (default)
It gives me 9cm when i turn 360 degrees, what do you guys have??

Btw I have a 22" screen, kinda big.

And it works online joko! <<--edit Don´t work!
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i've always used the one u mention Bamse, changing the speed. I only use it once a year anyway lol.
Yeah you have right about the sense bind, doesnt work online!! :D
I remember wrong apparently... but the speed bind works fine!

What sense do you guys have!? (in centimetres, 360deg)
used to have it like 25 or something but then a laser printer got put on my desk and i didnt have enough room to move around so i learnt to play with high mouse sens.

Its good for mini pulse rox etc
is it possible to adress the mouse sens dynamicaly?

i mean, wud it be possible to have binds like
U=set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity +0.5
i=set Engine.PlayerPawn MouseSensitivity -0.5

so each time by pressing u the sens increases by 0.5 and by pressing i it decreses by 0.5?