US say they need more time to look for weapons of mass destruction.

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Originally posted by Dog
As per ussual thuringwethil who's obviously a intelligent person, uses pseudofacts, personal believes and ad hominems to try and create the impression that only thurs opinion can be right. I have long since stopped posting in this forum, the level of the debate is simply appaling, the means, the arguments generally crap. It has never ceased to amaze me that a person with Thuringwethils obvious knowledge and intelligence can be so naïve in certain areas, but I guess we all are to some extent.

i take my hat off to you sir...
and just fyi i think your english is better than many of the english ppl on here ;)

just like to add something to this poor people getting patents concept...

the cash involved is but a small part, you need also know HOW to go about registering a patent; i am relatively well educated and i wouldnt have a clue, although id have a pretty good idea how to find out.

many people who are less well educated (possibly because they are 'poor', which is a whole seperate but related issue) would be hugely intimidated by the process and possibly have no idea how to even find out how to start such an undertaking.

thuring i think ppl would have a lot more time for your posts if you answered them with a bit of empathy rather than like a politician.
but feel free to disregard my advice as you wish....
Originally posted by grizz
just like to add something to this poor people getting patents concept...

the cash involved is but a small part, you need also know HOW to go about registering a patent; i am relatively well educated and i wouldnt have a clue, although id have a pretty good idea how to find out.

many people who are less well educated (possibly because they are 'poor', which is a whole seperate but related issue) would be hugely intimidated by the process and possibly have no idea how to even find out how to start such an undertaking.

thuring i think ppl would have a lot more time for your posts if you answered them with a bit of empathy rather than like a politician.
but feel free to disregard my advice as you wish....

If someone is smart enough to write a book, compose a piece of original music or come up with a technical invention, then I'm fairly sure they would have enough braincells to know how to go about finding out about how to patent their ideas too. Although maybe I'm wrong.

I would have a lot more time for certain people's posts if they would stop talking about vast sections of society in the terms they would use to describe an inventory of toilet rolls. Just because someone is poor does not mean that they are variously dumb/stupid/unable to make sensible choices in their life/whatever.

I see that as patronising in the extreme. My own personal suspicion is that given the choice most people would prefer to make their own decisions and lead their lives with a minimum of interference by government or other bodies telling them how to lead their lives "for their own good" or "because we know best".

Whenever I see comments like that by politicians etc, it makes me deeply suspicious of them.

Socialist governments, so far as I can see from my personal study of and understanding of history always come a cropper for this very reason: these governments always end up ignoring the wishes of the people.

You want me to show you more empathy? Fine. How about showing some in return instead of writing me off as an "arrogant capitalist oppressor", which is the overwhelming tone of your posts? :)
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Originally posted by Thuringwethil
I see that as patronising in the extreme.

man you crack me up. you really cant see the wood for the trees can you?

now i suspect you will post an extract from a forestry comission report explaining that theres plenty of trees.....
oh and i dont want you to show ME more empathy, i couldnt give a monkeys in that regard. i mean toward the subject matter...
You do like the quoting game, don't you? Well, thats fine with me tbh, I've got nothing better to do atm as I've waiting for a huge log to be exported, I do however expect it to be more interresting reading than this :P

I have yet to see any person calling themselves a "socialist" who does no actively deplore the "evils" of "capitalism" and who makes their opinion known in fairly forthright terms. Excuse me for holding a mirror up to you and your views.

Yes, but why does holding an opinion make it a kneejerk reaction, did you ever consider that people have given real thought to this position?
Rise above what means? Please state exactly what you're trying to say here. Otherwise, your veiled threats and innuendo are of no importance or relevance to the discussion in hand. So far, the people I'm debating with are doing what I am - trying to stay on topic. You're the only one trying to stir up mischief.

I think I stated those clearly in my prior post?

What veiled threads and innuendo?

Possibly because you can't find any examples? Oh dear. You're now guilty of what you accuse others of.

No, possibly because I think it's irrelevant, obviously you are not gonna accept what I am saying as the truth no matter which quotes I pull out, so why bother? If you actually listened to what I am trying to tell you, and took it as face value, this forum might just turn into something worthwhile, instead of your personal playing ground in litterate bullying?

I think the word you're looking for is actually sophistry. Back to the dictionary old bean. And if you truly are meaning semantics, well, I'm sorry, but I am trying to state my views as clearly and accurately as possible. Your unwillingness to do the same is not my problem. "If you can't say what you mean, you will never mean what you say."

AGAIN, some people in here are doing their damndest best to debate on the terms that english in NOT their prime language, and that they might not have the academic education you do... Would you not rather listen to what they are trying to tell you, than rip their language to pieces?

Damn all, and I know this, and you know that I know this. But lets get back to the point in hand - Propain's original comment was not asking or stating "how much does it cost to defend a patent or copyright claim in a court of law." Last time I checked, plenty of big companies who have legal copyrights suffer when a bigger, richer company comes along. So its not like this is confined to rich v poor here. It works just as well when its rich v richer.

That is not the point and you fucking well know it thur, if you read the post propain is obviously trying to argue that poor people DO NOT have even terms when it comes to holding on to technology, etc. Relate to that ffs?

Are you prepared to accept stuff from the likes of "The Sunday Times Rich List" then? Or is that a bit too much of a capitalist oppressor paper for you? If so, please point out any other potential sources you would consider valid.

I will accept whichever, I am not that well acquinted with english newspapers. But I will by default accept that you are trying to be fair in relaying facts, I see no reason not to.

The implication in several posts is quite clear. And as you're so fond of facts, tell me: why should I accept someone spouting their own opinion as fact? That sounds like double standards to me.

I have no problem admitting I have double standards, so do all humans I believe?

1. And I've never denied this. My whole point is that under a capitalist system, even the poor people have the chance to become one of the super rich because everyone is being judged by a universal yardstick - individual merit. '

2. Under socialist/communist systems, you only get to be one of the elite if you kiss up to the party machine. Which strikes me as iniquitous.

And now we get to the really interresting bit. I will cut that into two statements if you don't mind?

1.a) In the first your claim is that poor and rich alike have a chance to become one of the super rich, I will partially grant you that. But, it's such a slim chance for say a uneducated, poor person with social issues that its next to null.

1.b) Also your "universal yardstick" is bollox, it's just as much a matter of luck, ruthlesnes and many other factors. If your claim hold water, why is it that again and again technology gets ripped off the people who invented / created it, and in the end earns them next to nothing?

2. I agree that under some socialist / communist societies, this has most certainly been the case, but just because I will admit to being a socialist, does NOT mean that I ever have / will endorse any kind of totalitarian, fascistic, oppresive, outdated regime. And I do think you know this?
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last bit for now, log file almost done, will return to night most likely:

If someone is smart enough to write a book, compose a piece of original music or come up with a technical invention, then I'm fairly sure they would have enough braincells to know how to go about finding out about how to patent their ideas too. Although maybe I'm wrong.

I most definitely think you are. First off it's more a matter of education than "braincells", secondly, being very bright in one area does NOT imply that you are in all areas. One of the foremost scientists in Denmark is a prime example of this, I honestly forget his name, but the guy can hardly remember to put on clothes in the morning, and yet he is one of the worlds most brilliant physicists atm.

If someone is smart enough to write a book, compose a piece of original music or come up with a technical invention, then I'm fairly sure they would have enough braincells to know how to go about finding out about how to patent their ideas too. Although maybe I'm wrong.


This is absolute rubbish, I know some really brilliant people of whom i am proud to call my friends. Although they are experts in their field of business they are in general numbnuts when it comes to the small details which crop up when you try to patent something. You just can't be good at everything. And believe me most musicians / authors aren't the biggest brainiacs in the world. Just because music is catchy doesn't mean that the composer is a brilliant mind.

In fact you often hear artists complain about recordcompanies and managers? Why because they got ripped off ! HOW ? well they trusted ppl to do work for them that they simply could not do themselves.

I reckon you are a very smart person thur. But sometimes you post some highly questionable things on these forums. Maybe just maybe not all knowledge is in books but it comes from life.

Saying things like most of the wealthy worked hard for their money is pretty meaningless to me. What do you call people with 2 jobs trying to make ends meet? Believe me when you work doubleshifts at mcdonalds you work a lot harder than the average manager. Fact however is that money makes more money, and fact is that the money stays within the family. Here is another economical rule for you. In general the richest 10% of a country own 90% of the riches.
Originally posted by Dog
Yup, trust our resident norwegian dopehead for some comic relief, ffs øyvind!!! :lol:

Sorry, about what I'd expect from someone caught aimbotting on Orange League Maps last night :p:
Yes thur, I am almost certain you would love to spread that thruout the uta boards. I'm not fussed, so have ya fun.

But, the numbers you promised somehow seems not to have been posted? I am sure this is simply due to a bad memory...
Originally posted by ProPain
Here is another economical rule for you. In general the richest 10% of a country own 90% of the riches.

Never denied this either. But here's another fact for you to mull over:

In the UK, the top 10% of the population by wealth account for 50% of the government's Income Tax receipts.

Income tax is far and away the biggest source of government revenue. - look for table C7 - Income Tax & "Social Security Contributions" (I assume they mean NI) together account for almost half of the total UK government revenue in any given year. - and to be in the top 10% of richest earners you need to be trousering the plutocratic oppressor capitalist sum of.......£27,500 per year. Which is not a disgusting sum by any stretch of the imagination. You're not even a higher rate taxpayer for goodness sake.

Situation appears to be much the same in the US: - taking its figures from the American IRS it seems - top 25% of richest taxpayers contribute 84% of all tax dollars collected by the US government.

And before anyone weighs in with the predicatable "well of course the rich should pay more", my point is simply to show that while the rich may own the majority of a country's land/wealth/whatever, they also tend to contribute most in the way of taxes.

An inconvenient fact which a lot of people seem to want to forget because it doesn't suit their own agenda. :D
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Originally posted by Dog
Yes thur, I am almost certain you would love to spread that thruout the uta boards. I'm not fussed, so have ya fun.

But, the numbers you promised somehow seems not to have been posted? I am sure this is simply due to a bad memory...

Don't worry, I will :D

And I've not forgotten - I've just had more important things to do recently.

Meanwhile, check the numbers I've just posted about tax receipts in the UK and USA.
Originally posted by Thuringwethil
- and to be in the top 10% of richest earners you need to be trousering the plutocratic oppressor capitalist sum of.......£27,500 per year. Which is not a disgusting sum by any stretch of the imagination. You're not even a higher rate taxpayer for goodness sake.

all you are doing there is quoting the lower bound figure for the top 10% which is meaningless. within that 10%, if you plotted each % on one axis and 'plutocratic oppressor sums' on another i suspect the curve wouldnt be far off exponential..... hence pp's point is still extremely valid imho...
I've just got one thing to say:

Ofcourse if you level the playing field between wealthy and poor all those money / resources would magically disappear... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by grizz
all you are doing there is quoting the lower bound figure for the top 10% which is meaningless. within that 10%, if you plotted each % on one axis and 'plutocratic oppressor sums' on another i suspect the curve wouldnt be far off exponential..... hence pp's point is still extremely valid imho...

I see you didn't actually bother to follow the links or do any research into them either. If you had, you'd realise that your comment is still pretty far off the mark.

Average UK male earnings are what ... ~ £18,000 or so last time I checked? If someone earning ~£7,500 falls into the "poorest 50%" of the population, then someone on average earnings of £18,000 is probably going to fall within the richest 25-30% of the population. On a salary which doesn't really equate to "rich".

But I agree, it would be interesting to plot each % on an axis to see what the curve looks like. Maybe instead of slating me and not quoting any backup yourselves, you and Dog might want to look into this? :D

Most of the "plutocratic oppressors" in terms of earnings are actually "non-domiciled" for UK tax purposes - meaning they pay little if any UK income tax. This is skewing the figures in those links I posted. Incidentally, that non-dom status is being maintained by the present Labour government, their justification being these people bring jobs to the UK. But that's by the by.

The "rich" in the UK are what you would consider "well off middle class" people - doctors, dentists, lawyers, MP's, office workers, civil servants, social workers, teachers etc etc etc. In other words, not people who generally have a mansion sized house, a few hundred acres of land and tell jeeves to take the bentley for a spin and run over some poor people while he's at it.

Barring a small percentage, I think, but can't be sure that most will be earning under ~ £50,000 per year. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is not that much.

In other words, most of the UK tax burden is actually falling on people who are not exactly earning vast sums of money.

Originally posted by Dog

I've just got one thing to say:

Ofcourse if you level the playing field between wealthy and poor all those money / resources would magically disappear... :rolleyes:

In my view, that argument is a bit simplistic. I mean, the problem as I see it is not the lack of resources to fund public institutions like healthcare and education, but rather the allocation of those resources and the means by which they are used.

To use a trite example familiar to anyone in the UK: Labour come to power in 1997 after about 18 years of Tory rule. Labour say the Tories ran the National Health Service down. Fair enough point. Since then, Labour have raised taxes, including a 1% rise on National Insurance contributions, supposedly hypothecated to NHS spending alone. So, after almost 5 years of Labour government, what has changed? We pay more tax, and more money is given to the NHS. But, oddly enough, our hospitals are still a disgrace, there are more administrative staff than nurses or beds, and waiting lists grow ever longer.

The NHS will simply swallow as much money as your care to throw at it. Injecting huge amounts of unaudited money into the NHS will generally lead to 2 things:

1. After years of stored up grievances, staff strike for higher pay, knowing that they now have a chance to get it.

2. Suppliers to the NHS raise their prices, knowing that the NHS can now afford higher prices.

End result: very little of these "extra billions" actually make it to the front line of providing healthcare. It simply gets wasted in costs and overhead.

The NHS also apparently spends £2 Billion per year in legal bills - mainly compensating patients who had the wrong leg cut off or whatever, because stressed out over-worked doctors made a mistake.

The evidence is everywhere: most of the other European nations spend far less on healthcare than the UK. Yet their healthcare systems are in far better shape.

I would argue that we all pay enough tax as it is. The problem is that our politicians are not using it correctly. Or are you meaning something else?

And for someone who I recall originally claimed to barely visit these forums and considered them a waste of time, you sure seem to be getting into the swing of things and posting lots yourself. :P
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what exactly is the argument here now ?

it was "weapons of mass disapearence"

socialism etc

now its economics ?

can we have a statment on what the argument acctually is please? only im confused

P.S. ill let you in on a secret Dog didnt bot it was me mucking around just dont let anyone else know coz i want them to look stupid posting stuff on the forums...