They closed the closed one before I could reply......

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Cuddle Me DAMNIT!
Jul 18, 2001
The point of closing a thread isn't that people go and continue in a different thread.

I agree totally m8.


completely agree m8

Closing a thread when u havent finished ur discussion cos some ppl cant uphold a civilised discussion is no different to say agreeing to play russian roulette with some1, you take ur turn but dont die, and then they run off when its their turn .. ;)

I haven't censored nething cru so stfu.

*sigh* I deleted a thread u made that was totally out of order cru. I closed the other thread as it was just getting nasty, if I were still "too involved" i would have carried on replying to u, but I didn't even leave a closing statement. Im trying to stop the arguing, its going round in circles.
LOL twas a joke, or didnt I make that clear enuf from my post? :\

My thread u deleted was about as much out of order as ur locking of the previous 1. Fair enuf u wanted to stop the arguing, but perhaps spirit and tanya shouldnt have replied after they saw my post saying that I had dropped it in the very first thread.

Doesnt matter now tho does it, cos every1 will forget about the missing girl faster than the last garfield cartoon :)

Now to explain my last sentence, the smiley refers to the cartoon/comic strip and not the missing girl .. oookkkkk :D

wtf is wrong with u plonko???? ezbys thread was closed earlier by someone and it was agreed the argument was over. The argument then continued so I closed the thread - THAT IS ALL I HAVE FUCKIN DONE!!!! then i get a thread by crusader slagging me for it - no one slagged the other mod for closing the other thread???? so I deleted the verbal abuse. THATS IT. I HAVENT EDITED NETHING IN THIS "HARMLESS BANTER" THREAD.

I tried to be diplomatic and stood away from the argument and just tried to end it - someone I became a bitch for it. I give up!!

After deleted ur thread b4 plonko i asked to me taken off as a mod because it caused us to fall out. Believe it or not I have never moderator a thread out of anger or hatred towards neone, just done wot i thought was best. But i seriously give up now. I have asked before on the mod forums to be taken off as moderator - and Im asking again more publically now.

I really cant be fucked trying to keep this civil and putting ne effort in nething to do with u lot. The fun i have with the nice ppl is spoiled by the wankers.

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