The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

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Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

how can something be semi-official?
it can be official or unofficial :)
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

i agree :)
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

Not realy, u can have it like its in Holland.Its not allowed,but its not ilegal either:lol:
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

:lol: yes.. that's a pretty weak attitude they got in Holland..
uuhh I can't control the problem, but if I close my eyes and yell real loud I wont see or hear anything..
Everything will be aaalright. Then I can go home and play with my little Barbie doll, and we will aaall be a happy bunch of ppl.. :rolleyes: :lol:
Sometimes politicians are some funny dOOds :lol:
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

oooh oooh are we gonna debate drug politics now? :lol:
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

:lol: Swyzz

yes.. that's a pretty weak attitude they got in Holland..
uuhh I can't control the problem, but if I close my eyes and yell real loud I wont see or hear anything..

But ALL of you tourists come here to enjoy every bit of it;)

Btw, nice topic;)
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

Yeah... I bet they do ;) :lol:

btw.. the weak politician stuff applies to most countries..
So I'm not particularly slapping Holland around, just that we were talking about that country :D :rolleyes:
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

They are at least @ stupid about it here in denmark, where the police only ever do anything about hash/weed, when they need to drum up support for more money, harsher legislation etc.

Also afaik, the only reason that the situation in Holland is still a "trial" is that the eu wount accept it to become real legislation, hell, the eu (then the ecc) even tried to make a report that would proove hash/weed had worse social/health/etc implications than alcohol. The report was never published untill someone from the danish "Fri Hash" movement dug it up... need I say why? :rolleyes:
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

I don't mind it really,

nor you saying it, nor the Dutch government allows it, it's good for our economy;)
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

From what I know (scientific experiments) smoking weed will seriously decrease your ability to learn and remember new stuff for several days..
So leave it to the foreigners to do that, or you'll become a nation of boneheads.. and that would NOT be good for the economy :eek: :lol:
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread


Too right, but it's already too l8 for me;)

huh what?

Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

isnt in fact holland the tryout of a hypothesis about limiting hthe drug abuse to "soft" drugs only, by making them legal..

And we all know how well that went ;)
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

Actually the americans r to blame for europs hash legislation.In the 60`s DEA boss and vice chairman in UN`s narcotics conventiohn.His name was Harry J Anslinger.

Thnx @#%$:(

And Hollands poletics r way better than the facist alternative we have in the rest of Europe.
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

LOL, didn't know people from other countries knew our politics that well :)
At least it's healthy to smoke some weed sometime (whenever you want :)
Re: The semi-official "good job uta admins" spamthread

ok... just one question Swyzz, do you have any idea how much hash is smoked in your country? ;)