the israeli ocupation of the westbank,videos not shown on tv.

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Jun 9, 2001
In the interst of objectivety and letting both sides have the word.Somehting rare in wester media these days ive dug up this site for those who are intersted.

Its has videos for streaming and dl.

It has ground photage of the israelis actually attacking houses etc with hellicopters, somehting the israelis never let the west c.
theres far more footage from amnisty, they made a 2 hour video compiled by people living in the occupide territoys and the camps that showed everything from nurses bieg shot in the back of the neck for aiding people who had been shot on the street (the reason they were suspected terrorists,,, including children and an old guy in a wheelchair) peole bieng bulldozed in there houses, sick children bieng stopped 20 meters from hostpitals so they can be shure there not terrorists, many of them died and finally the targeting of ambulances because they could be used as a means for terrorists to move about...

that tbh is the tip of the iceberg seeing as that what we DO know
what we dont know id imagen is far worse