The driveing snowmen

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Re: The driveing snowmen

Sorry can't post it hear, smark already post mine ;)
Re: The driveing snowmen

rofl @ mega's abusing Moderator powers,

you cunt:)
Re: The driveing snowmen

dunno, i just say it bacause everybody does...

Lamer Oh Lamer

or something:/
What happened to the driveing snowmen?

long time since i met (-8-)Firewall last time... has something awful happened to him with his new driving license? does he play 'need for speed 5' in reallife? is he still (-8-) member? hey fire, where art thou?
Re: What happened to the driveing snowmen?

Hmm, as far as I know he still is a member, but its true havent seen him for a while either!
Re: What happened to the driveing snowmen?

He's studying and working all the time, such a free and easy lifestyle :D
Re: What happened to the driveing snowmen?

Isn't that called: real life? I've heard about this life. wonder how it is