Thanks for the party Zork!

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yeahaw was a great party m8!
thx for the beers and the nice eggsalad :)
also lo to omen from sletland! how is it there m8?
Thanks to [DWAP]MadMax I have got some new webspace again! :thumb:

I didnt make so many pictures, too busy drinking beer!

Here we have our party boy Zork with his lovely lady


Zork busy cooking in the kitchen for us




Zork wanted to kick Bolle's ass, cause he ate all loempias before he could bring them to the living room..


What this guy do? Looks like a damn beer spiller!


Drunk people


No more beer, party over... No wait, thats when we started drinking BESSENJENEVER!!! Wasted...


Hi guys

im doing fine
weather is pretty cold and it still snows sometimes, soon it will be better i hope
Riga is a very nice city, but we didnt have a lot of time to visit the centre since we are busy with our project

the girls in Riga look very nice (most of em)
soon i will go into that :D