SveK needs you attention!

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.


Jan 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
We are looking for players, 3 or even more to fill some slots and strengthen our squad.
We want to keep the clan alive for some more time and if we are, we are in desperate need for new players.
Our goal was to stay swedish only and we did pretty well with that five years in the league!
As you probarbly noticed we have the belgian fag Z on our roster these days so other players are welcome!

We are 6 active players today and that makes it hard to field a full team for matches which we don't like and our opponents don't like either!
So if you are interested in a new adveture play with a nice bunch of players and maybe help us out with proper tactics (havent been using one for over a year) and to reignite the flame which have been slowly fading the last couple of months.
Do you have what it takes ?! (nothing special really, just turn up for as many matches you can and have teamspeak2 and a functional mic) Swedish and some swearing in french will be heard during matches but you might get something good out of that too!

Not to forget all members of svek also gets the special VIP invite card to monster orgys with blonde sexy swedish girls held at Uven´s place once a month!

Are you interested ? Dont hesitate to contact us!

You can reach us via our forum or irc #svek