# StdAS - 26.01.2009 :: »L0S($)« 2 - 8 =[FDC]=

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Aug 6, 2007
»L0S($)« matchcomment:
»L0S($)« said:
"Naja^^ whatever noobz//Deim Missplaced, would be nice to fix this//Wrekah FDC dont show up to match they cant win. but they are happy to lose maps on purpose to defend Bridge vs a clan with members who have been playing since 2007, well done really//Torp Whatever. They joined our irc and pray us to allow a merc (Zyx) who played for a bit. Well FDC aka Fucking Dickheads Cunts, hope u will be promoted so we wont meet u again.//Chianti!

=[FDC]= matchcomment:
=[FDC]= said:
This started off as a fun, clean war. Then torp started flaming BN and we reacted.
I apologise to Loss as a clan. I am 100% sure that without torp on ur team this would have been a really fun, clean war for both clans. Gg, couple of close maps in there!

Full match report...
shame this match had to go this way. FDC knows its better (when they freakin finally have a team) but still they have to lame or loose a map so they can fulltime def bridge vs us. i also really dont like you to abuse mapbugs (demos are made and might be send to admins for viewing if we think that that is in order) for obvious reasons, but also because u dont need it when ur 5 maps upfront. I would have loved this match to be fun but all i can say is that i had a pretty fucked up match.
I think our players were not out of order at any point. Torp just got mad for u laming for the bridge def after we allowed you mercs (even though u pwnd us 5 vs 6 at the first map). Our clan mostly has members that never flame but even they got fed up with FDC.

Apolegies accepted though. But plse next time keep the game fun ok? not just for you but also for us.
forgot to put /Toast after our match comment, just for the record.
Again, im sorry it went like it did, but you started it.

Tho I have to say. "Pray" you to allow zyx in? I doubt it lol
and torp get ur facts straight. First u say in game we didn't show up vs mod? now in general? We've been having player problems for ages, we have had two decent games in 3 months. Only reason why we're in div 3..
So easy, peoples always flame us cause Torp is in our team. If u offence one of our clan, u offence ALL the clan. Bai FDC aka [F]orfeit[D]ivision1[C]lans.
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thnx again toast for the reply. Things have cooled down in our clan now so i guess all things that have been said can be forgotten. I hope your clan gets their player problems sorted. Or else i hope to meet FDC again in 2 or 3 months for a naise flamefree rematch. Cya around!

Quote: [F]orfeit[D]ivision1[C]lans :rofl: omfg chianti :D

Happy fraggin
