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Nov 9, 2001
Hi :)

i want to ask you all my fríends.

To make good Salat every two times amonth or more or less.

For the information: "I Prefer own rezept "as you have experimentet and didnt took from a book or an internet site.

thx in Advance


I favour towards Ruccola, tomatoes, pesto and feta cheese or mozzarella :)
A good :) looks tastefully.

that with pesto?

A and what are the yellow cubes?

Umm, that's just a picture of a salad, to illustrate what you meant. I wouldn't have that with pesto.

The yellow cubes in that photo are croutons.
@RighteousFury, what fruit you would put in the salat?

Nice one.

I have saved Ruccola, tomatoes, pesto, feta cheese, mozzarella and croutons.
@RighteousFury, what fruit you would put in the salat?

1 Apple, 1 Pear (Birne), 1 Banana, 1 Peach and maybe a kiwifruit. If its the right time of the year some strawberries or raspberries.
Add some orange juice so the salat doesnt get brown instantly ;)
Good Morning :)

Sounds tasty too, the fruitsalatstuff. thx.

woudlnt you punsh quark innit instead of orange juice?

i'm saving more and more.
Right always nice eating FAT! (Immer schön fett essen, damit die wampe gedeiht :P )

which is obviously not the intention by eating a Salat

Quark and strawberrys and sugar sound good appetit ;)

i am going on an old salat... icemountain corn cucumber turkey meat ... green salat and PUNSH Mayonnaise for a decent KALORIENSHAKE;)