Riddle me this

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Jun 9, 2001
im sitting in a diner my back to the street inside a diner.In front of me is a mirrored wall, in the reflection i can c a restaurant on the opposit side of the street.
The name of the restaurant is Mama Mia, the name isnt backwards in the reflection..... why?

I should add that this happend to me, so its a more quality riddle than the otehrs:p:
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maybe something like a doublereflection? window to mirror blah and back and over there and behind, under over dunno :>

i guess u know what i mean
At what angle is the mirrored wall? Are you sitting facing it dead on, or is it at, say a 45 degree angle?
i had the same thoughts Banshee had, think its some dubble refllection thing from the window behind me and the window od the restaurant.
its the mushroom soup you had for dinner