Remember this? 'hacking' game..

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Well im on level 3 now and well i dont urderstand shit cause there seems to be 2 errors at least in the code so can anyone HELP me by explaining me how to do it?
u have to aquire the actual flash file (from the best of my memrory)
the pass is found in there, that is if u know how to veiw that sorta thing :P

u just need to make a link 2 it :)
i did it last night ! Actally is kinda stupid lolol cause i was searching all the f00cking code and the solution wasnt there!

Ok im on level 5 now lolol VB :D well will be easy just need the vb3 shit!
btw i have the vb6 and 4 , and they refuse to open it so i use my EMeditor and then i desencript that shit but well it doesnt desemcript it all strange as shit but ok i have the encripted version of username and password yeah i rule so no can i go to level 6 ?? :D
well the first 1 is too easy and after that i gotta pee and now im hungry , hey i got 100% hacked of those i tried :P