R.i.P. TexasTom

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New Member
Nov 25, 2001
I'm feeling sad to post these news here, but maybe some of u still know him. today an icq-msg arrived me and i felt to post it here :( For all who don't know him, he played in BOD.

Dear All

Sorry to send this in a multiple message but Tom knew so many people.

I am sorry to let you know that Tom passed away on 7 Feb, peacefully, at home with his family. As you may know Tom had been suffering with cancer for a couple of years. Before getting seriously ill Tom spent a lot of time chatting to you guys and I'm sorry to have to bring this news.

Take care,

Tom's family.

cu & gl on the other side :(

edit: sorry, didn't see the other thread cuz um not often come by
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I don't suppose I can really link very.de in this thread. For once.

RIP again, Tom :(