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I think that this students "hadn't been taught to "count" from one to nine":rofl::P
ya but logic too

without reading the articel i know that chimps not really count, they just see the number of dots (like we do on a dice, do you really count to 5 or you just see the patern?)

It's because chimps have to be well aware of danger and amount of foe's they deal with so they are just faster and better to "count"the foes (up to almost 20 or summin) in a dangereous situation.
We humans don't need that and thus the short memory deteriarated (fs hard word to spell) fast.

Intresting find tho. now going to read it anyway
Its funny to see, that very young children at an age were they cant count yet, often are very good at such memory games. But then again thats not surprising either... there tons of more or less primitive reflexes that babys/young children have, and adults dont. For exsample the grasp reflex and such.