News Update: EQ is Camping

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Re: oh my

Whoa... I left for some hours to play the match vs Ai and then I come back and see what's happened to this topic.

Re: News Update: EQ is Camping

What ?? Santa Claus has started to spawn camp with EQ !

Lame FAG bastard ! My Daughter will be gutted to hear that Santa is a spawn camper. Dont think she will really give a fuc about EQ doin it LOL.

Just remember you are all FAGS !!


Re: oh my

@#%$ all your arguments, if ppl *would* get a bad experience from being camped the reasons against perform it is the same as the reasons against shooting teammates into lava off train and so on..

So sure camp me, that isnt a problem to ME, but even if it would be u have bought the game and surely has the right to "bother" me in any way u find suiting, may it be spamming the console, hammer me away from weapons or generally trying to make the online experience an unpleasant one for others..

If all playing would have the ability to deal with campers and they didnt mind getting camped there could be no reasons against camping..

But in a hypothetic situation ( i dont really know for sure )where a lot of ppl cant deal with camping due to inexperience and heavily inferior skill level ( eg. newbies ) and they understandably might get a bad experience from never coming close to objectives, in fact never getting out of their spawnzone, in short their fun is ruined. Then, that is an argument against camping, sure it isnt binding in any legal sence ( not even game legal as cheats in some way are ).. Its just about how to chose to deal with ppl, do u respect their preferences to be of the same value as yours, using an universialistic rationality, or not?

If not there is nothing arguments can do against your irrationality, if yes then u might have to think carefully about how your acting inflict to others experiences.. Does my camping seriously draw away from the fun ppl get from playing ( eg. ppl leaving server with a =( ) or do they only think it adds yet an obstacle?

And please NO one add any comments in the type of "its in the game" or "what was intended by game designers".. Because who could give a @#%$ about what designers intended, its what something is used as that matters.. And the issue about its in the game, sure just as making teammates suicide intentionally is, and in whatever one does there will always be ways of doing it in a way considered "wrong".. Sure there is a difference in being unfriendly to someone in real life and within a game but that difference lies not in that its a game but that generally experiences in an game enviroment can easier be avoided and also doesnt inflict the same amount of displeasure.. But dont come and tell me that online gaming isnt yet another aspect of an global society ;)
Re: oh my

Wow, when i pressed the add reply button this subject was like 2 pages, then i took home some music and relpied, and voila page 4!
Re: oh my

I hate these dumb "I've bought the game I can do what I want" arguments.... this only refers to single player... as long as your not online you can do whatever you want.

Do you have the right to harrass other passengers just because you "bought" a bus ticket??

Sorry,stupid example but im only trying to say that EVERY community (no matter if online or not) needs rules... =/

There are always people who refuse to follow these rules, and I guess that's ok, too.
It would be kinda boring if everyone was nice... we also need "Nasty" people :lol:

But it's simply impossible to justify spawncamping...
You bought the game? oh gr8, most players did that...
Re: oh my

hey KSL thats some present list u sent to santa
and mogal,,thats one motherfuker of a reindeer he got with him
This Arnet for president

And if you spawncamp then you will be insulted because it's like if you say a big @#%$ to all other players.
It sound like you don't have fun in assault anymore that's all.I remember Diablo,once they get bored of the game,all began to pk (=make a portal crying for help and explose my ass in 3 sec when I'm down :( ).
Try DM,lot of guy like you there.

I have been bored of assault I aint anymore. I just got tired of all those additional rules to follow. I know I will get shouted at, and I expect it, just saying here I do not care about that.

As for DM it is one of the most boring gamestyles in my eyes. I even prefer CTF to it (and I truly hate CTF). AS is the game style I like best, and hence play.

There are several reasons I decided to say <bleep> the camping rule. For once I find it absolette by now, people should be able to defend against it or at least learn it. The other reason is that I read Ace's nice thread on Double Launching on the UT board where a lot of CTF's and other game mods jumped straight ahead and was in lynch mode against just a such idea could be suggested, it aint the way.

Then I thought, hell at least we are not as hypocritical in the AS scene, then I remembered back, wait, jumping bad, launching bad, hammer launching bad, double launch bad. Things we got over. Well what the hell if we can adjust to the other things and see them as fair, why the <bleep> can we not get used to people in the spawn area as well. If you want a 4 sec protection there is Eavy servers to join, if you do not care about the 4 sec protection then there is a lot of servers. And if you want to whine just join the server I am on.
Re: Nope

i hate people that slag DM. DM with a @#%$ load of good players on good maps fuckin 0wnz totally. the adrenaline and pace far surpasses that of AS anyday but only in the good games otherwise it is very boring. 1on1 DM rulez with a good player against ya

I werent slagging DM, I said DM is not my type of game, and that I do not like playing, actualy I hate DM. But again that is my personal view of it. you by saying you do not like strawberrys, are you saying that people who do like strawberrys are complete assholes. I doubt it, and if then you are the one with a problem.
Re: Again don't like rather get easy targets, like ppl with only enforcer, ok I get it.
Re: Again

Well I think spawncamping is wrong I mean with the mutator I won't whine but then it ain't real spawncamping anymore. And sure stop launches is fine, but don't do that that way in frigate you can shoot launchspot easily from bridge or the low dock and on mazon just put one on the roof or if you'd like lob over some grenades. I mean when I find someone in my base don't be surprised if I run after ya with my hammer and then I'm shot cause I want to jump wtf kinda nonsense is that?
And well that's pretty much all, I won't camp not under another nick not under Dwarven. Public for me is fun I don't care if I lose or win there and I sure as hell ain't going to camp to win it.

"The greatest accomplishments are achieved by small things"
Re: Again

Annoyed at having to watch your back when you try to launch ?