Minigun and Rocket Launcher Smoke & Light.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2001

I Have a question. When some1 shoots his/her minigun at me i see a big light coming out of his minigun, wich annoys me. Can i turn it off?
Same goes for the Rocket's smoke trail.
lol dont u actually read these forums?

go look in league forums under tweaks or something like that, about 6 million pages regarding this
Here's lil tweaker which can remove shells and reduce smoke on RL, however I'd need to go look up some tweaks which I cba right now to find the minigun 3rd person one, I myself don't use it as I see that as a more of a disadvantage than an advantage as you can't really tell who is shooting you if you can't see their muzzle flash.
// ---------------------------
// Minigun
// ---------------------------
set mtracer bhidden 1 // No minigun tracers.
set mtracer lighttype lt_none // No minigun tracer dynamic lights.
set minigun2 Misc1Sound none // No Wind-down sound.
set minigun2 muzzleflashmesh none // No minigun Muzzle flash (3rd person)
set pulsegun muzzleflashmesh none // No primary pulse gun Muzzle flash (3rd person)
set minigun2 bDrawMuzzleFlash 0

^Minigun tweaks u can use.
Also use that lil tweak riotz posted for REDUCING rocket smoke.
Nekro said:
// ---------------------------
// Minigun
// ---------------------------
set mtracer bhidden 1 // No minigun tracers.
set mtracer lighttype lt_none // No minigun tracer dynamic lights.
set minigun2 Misc1Sound none // No Wind-down sound.
set minigun2 muzzleflashmesh none // No minigun Muzzle flash (3rd person)
set pulsegun muzzleflashmesh none // No primary pulse gun Muzzle flash (3rd person)
set minigun2 bDrawMuzzleFlash 0

^Minigun tweaks u can use.
Also use that lil tweak riotz posted for REDUCING rocket smoke.

i got same minigun tweaks but i got this:
set minigun2 bDrawMuzzleFlash false
instead of set minigun2 bDrawMuzzleFlash 0
I have

// Minigun.
set minigun2 bDrawMuzzleFlash false
set mtracer lighttype lt_none
set minigun2 Misc1Sound none
You'e better off keeping the smoke trail and muzzle flashes if you ask me.

It's far easier to se where people are that way.
common riotz stop giving people tweaks m8.. we are triying 2 remove them.. and you are advertising them rofl
So i just have to typ in the console:
set minigun2 bDrawMuzzleFlash false ?
And then its loaded every time I run UT?
Sorry i'm a totall noob in this tweaking..

And my excuses MYM, but i cba reading. :angel:
no, you need to copy those lines paste them into a text file (notepad) and save as Tweaks.ini > save into ur UT/system directory.

Then make a bind in ur user.ini for which ever key, e.g. H=exec tweaks.ini
but u have to press this everytime u load ut. or u cud use the way i do and put it in ur shortcut for UT.

right click shortcut for ut, properties and change target so the end looks like this C:\Games\UnrealTournament\System\UnrealTournament.exe -exec=tweaks.ini

if u do this, then u dont have to press ur bind ever again, ur tweaks will load automatically. hope that explains a few things!
Tnx alot
Do you have any tweaks with better aim? (eg. Mouse sensitivity)
yea, a good tweak that improves your aim Is the ELFLite bot, it comes with a radar, wall hack, and full target info (health, range, armour, ammo, etc).