mark reins coments on the leaked demo

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Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted
Jun 7, 2001
leaked early test version of UT2003 is floating around the internet. It is not representative of the quality or performance of the final game. Infogrames' job in situations like these is to go after the people who are leaking or passing-along this version. They also need to suppress conversations about the leaked version on web forums to avoid pointing at it and tempting innocent people, who normally don't traffic in stolen software, to download it to find out what people are talking about. Their duty to their shareholders is to protect the value and marketability of their products to the fullest extent possible. They HAVE to do that, they're a public company and their shareholders would expect no less because Infogrames is invests a lot of money to bring games like UT2003 to the marketplace.

Now that there's a leaked version out there DE/Epic should release the current version as the demo. I think that would just compound a big problem with a bigger mistake. The version of the game out there is missing a whole bunch of features. It has mediocre performance, lacks a ton of AI code, has unfinished levels, doesn't have Karma physics in it, has unfinished menus, lacks a ton of sound effects and music, has unbalanced, untweaked weapons, and generally is indicative of something still too early to even be called "beta". Perhaps knowing this will discourage the real fans and customers from obtaining this version and tainting their initial impressions of UT2003. We want people's first impression of a playable version of our game to be a good one. Yes there will be bugs and omissions in the official demo/test - we're putting it out to help track those things down - but it will be representative of DE and Epic's vision of the final product.

more info over at infograms

Infogrames' job in situations like these is to go after the people who are leaking or passing-along this version.

Come on over you fat gimp Mark Rein, my pleasure kicking your ass.
I think it's a given that this is an age old beta something, but I don't care I would've gotten it even if it was just a half map without anything.

They can talk a lot but to have something in your hands to toy with ;) no matter in what state is simply more convincing.
own fault.
Shouldn't have giving false hope about the demo then !
Keep the crowd more informed to keep them happy!
i think this leak does make the game even more popular. Already in this stage the game has a very smooth gameplay, and i can't wait till the final release comes out!

:nod: i will buy it