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Not too bad m8 in spite of a breakup with my gf.. she decided to move on without me.. :(

Anywayz.. looking for a new place to live while i stay @ my parents house. Luckily my parents are on a looong holiday so i've got the place for myself. They'd get a heart attack if they could see the 'house of the bachelor' lol
@ work > all is well, still work in the gym as fitness and group lessons manager
Sports goes ok too, am playing tennis since last year and it's still going better. Also still doing some fitness myself but not as often anymore

And you m8?
Busy times for me too fella, divorced and re-married, jobs good. Been doing cycle sportivs, funny as fook! 100 miles normally. Good to hear from you mate, it's been a long time :)
sure has been ye, planning on visiting here more often?
Still in the same 'business' m8?

/me likes cycling too.. no 100 miles tho :)
I'll have a look and see if I've still got a copy kicking around then :)

yeah that climbs called 'mow cop' it was about 25 miles into a century ride, 2700 riders lol!
nice m8, gimme a holla when you're ready to play.. :D

Lemme see if i still got my old .ini around somewhere.. hehe