LeagueAS136 Test2 (Last one, hopefully)

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One huge point why there should of been a anoucement is that a lot of ppl still havent downloaded the client. Your forceing ppl to install a new client just before a match starts and without giving them time to setup and adjust the client. Iam all for using 136 but not to of made a huge aouncement on the uta main page is a major no no.
like other ppl said plz make an official thingy about it. assuming that we all know that it will change wont do good,

ppl that come back from lets say a vacation dont know wtf is going on.

i followed the threads but i did not know that all servers were gonna have 136 on it, surprised? (w8ing for a dodgy reply on it)

@ long post of psy
the way you write really bothers me. like you try to force us to get the same oppinion on the case, to force us to like it :nono: + not feeling safe on 135 servers now just sux it went well verry long so y feel not safe now?

minigun is verry strange indeed. i have loads that on 1 server i kill them after eachother, but on other server my mini is utter shite.

you ARE forcing us to play the far_from_complete_136 which i and many other ppl dont like.
another - point dodging feels fucking laggy, getting many errors when playing on 136

but i have to say 135 is better than 136 in many ways
Without meaning to sound like a suck-up, League 136 was fine for me. Not being a great minigunner, I didn't notice much difference, if any. No more lag than usual for me, no crashes, no bugs etc...

But it was on the server the other day when we played Alien in Pro, and afterwards it seemed a couple of our players had problems (not just cos we lost :P ). Hopefully the final version won't have the same problems as some people have pointed out above, but I think it's fair to let everyone know that any 136 version will be on their match servers, so that people can at least prepare for it.
Toa$ter said:
I still don't feel any difference between all the 135 136 crap :D all I see is that the textbox is fucked :)

Agreed :hump: I dont notice what all are on about no difference imo 135 136 and i dont lagg either,only time i lagg is mainly due to server as per usuall :)
i like the new leagueAS 136T2 (better call them LeaugeAS 2.0 :yipee: ... and i prefer server running the new one. :thumb:

Sometimes i join Server and got kicked. Same like PURE+ ASH did. But .. i reconnect and can play.. isnt a problem

The colourfull TextBox is ownage, the Tweaks are LOL....but @least i didnt use any of them.

The Mini is OK... didnt notice any difference.. sometimes ownage sometimes sucked.. same as ever.. ;)

Hopefully the new Version will release soon.. and thanks for prog. this stuff.. :!ola:

auriel said:
Sometimes i join Server and got kicked. Same like PURE+ ASH did. But .. i reconnect and can play.. isnt a problem

If this happens often, plz get in contact with us, we can check the logfiles and analyse why you are kicked. Maybe there's something that can be optimized in the code ;) That is meant for everyone of course. If you are kicked for no reason best come to #136test and we can take a look ;)
auriel said:
Sometimes i join Server and got kicked. Same like PURE+ ASH did. But .. i reconnect and can play.. isnt a problem

In your case, restore original skin texture files (soldierskins, commandoskins etc) and it will be fine.
The reason why sometimes you can join and play is some of these checks are required, but others are made random. If we set it to always check on ALL the packages, the login time would increase considerably (the mentioned red box at start + maybe a small screen freeze).
Btw (for all) when 136 final is running it will NOT be acceptable the use of any modified/hacked core package, it may cost you the match. This also includes botpack, engine, uwindow, umenu and so on. These files can be used to hide all kind of stuff and achieve different results.

I think it's a bit of common sense for any online game... core files shouldn't be modified.
And it was already stated @ league rules and downloads section.
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Ok so 136 is running on the servers, still no anoucement so picture this

Say a player who has being using older versions of 136 joins the match, as he joins he downloads the new client cos like most of us didnt know the new client was to be runnign while a match was on. After downloadint the client he has maybe 30 seconds of warmup time to...


remove all the old 136 betas files from ur system folder, these:



change old version of anemote1.utx without the latest textures, 2d icons etc.

Download the updated one: Anemote1.utx.


make sure not to browse options while playing else his client might crash, only thing is he wouldnt know this.


make sure all tweaks are disabled even though they worked in 135 and no offical statement to say that 136 is new league standard so player was unprepered for this.

Now all that is to be done in 30 odd seconds...

Come on admins give everyone a fair warning make a huge anoucemnt else your going to get case's like the 'possable' one above.
The rules state you cannot use non-standard skins or cheats. Now I am assuming that there is nothing you would want to do with uwindow for example that doesnt amount to a cheat, but you need to tell people this properly, not tucked away in the middle of a thread that not every is reading, some might view their modified uwindow as a mod or a tweak, not a cheat.

This is just an example, dont get hung up on the specifics.

Once again, will the admins tell the rest of the league that we are testing beta software in a live environment, that they need to make sure its downloaded and set up properly and make sure they can join any league server for a war before you start to get a LOT of complaints about this. There are still people who are having difficulty connecting - wether that is because of problem with their setup or not you cannot force them to fix this during a war, or blame them because you will not tell them. Telling the league is a post in League News not some passing sentence in a thread about testing.
A) Old beta files won't cause problems, except having several versions of the same menu -> duplicated items on your mods menu.

B) Old anemote.utx file is compatible. Only 2D icons won't work. He can't enable them anyway without the latest menu.
(we're assuming he just downloaded from the server, = no .int file = no menu).

C) Same ^^, he just downloaded from the server -> no menus -> no possible crash.
Who browses menu options while playing a match anyway?

D) Why? This is a very common misconception: Loading tweaks WON'T get u kicked out the server nor cause any other problem. If a tweak was blocked it just won't work.

Requires a very basic UT/security concept to know or suspect what can be done with such files. Yet it was planned a proper advice about this although anyone using them certainly knows what they are doing... and if they can't see that viewing enemy's health or having skins like this (pic) is a cheat, I can't help'em.


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I can assure you 95% of ppl having 'troubles to join servers' is for a reason ^^.

I don't understand all the fuss with DoG dudes. There were and there are quite a few bunch of reasons to rush 136 in league servers / matches in the way it was done. We wouldn't have done if we didn't believe it was necessary at that point and safe enough.
We also knew and said that it was a matter of days: the final version was coming straight away. It's already done, to be released probably tonight. Includes the SP for clan servers / publics and of course fixes all the 'problems' mentioned + adds a couple of interesting options.

In advance I can say that minigun is now really as close to the original as it can be, let's say identical :D
On the first run it will auto-detect loaded tweaks and enable the built-in ones accordingly (aimed at random / non-uta players joining 136 servers on pubs, or ppl not using menus).
Custom kill msgs in menus (or autom. if loaded from your own tweaks ^^), fixed possible 'dodge lag' with some servers/settings, crash on menus, spectators hud... etc etc.
Psychotic said:
I don't understand all the fuss with DoG dudes.

fuss what fuss

what we dont like m8

is that we were not informed that the servers would be running 136 during matches if we did we would have downloaded and configed before the match

when timo\weirdo ( insta squad leader ) informed you that it was still running incase it was an oversight ( we all make mistakes) was informed (rather bluntly imo having read the rest of the conversation ) that it was going be run on leauge servers in the future

all we said was where is the announcement or even informing clans before the matches seems fair to me

at least that way we could have had it installed /configed

as far as i know there has been none

as for us not supporting all that is being done please remember that timo / weirdo did this for the 136 releases


all we are saying is that if 136 is gonna stay then it should be anounced properly with links on how to install config ect

the server side packages released and installed on clan servers if there is a problem with 135

i dont see its us moaning about 136



we've offered the use of our server to test 451 and 136 together

451 serverside makes for a safer enviroment for all involved and should be tested together but i dont see this happening

and selective answering seems to be all we get

when we ask on icq we get blunt answers when we post we are accused of having a problem and causing shit

we have got as much right as anybody else in the leauge to expect a strait and fair answer from admins

Not all the people concerned about this are members of DoG.

At least tell me you will announce the official 136 launch properly. Give people time to download and install and set up and test. And tell everyone what tweaks are and arent allowed. And All in one prominent place where we can see it, not hidden in some thread that people arent necessarily reading.

Dont forget that not everyone is on a broadband connection, we still have players in this league with 56K and 64K conns. Time is needed to set this up BEFORE wars.