League Assault and ZeroPing

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

Are there any objections to using http://www.utassault.net in the info text and having the official support thread here as Cratos did with ZP+?

Yes of course, no problems.

I've set up http://utassault.net/zppro as a redirect to this thread; just tip me the nod when you've got a new thread (feel free to make it in private forum first if you wanted to tweak it etc) and I'll move/update the redirect.
Er well we tested it and there were some problems. I won't be releasing. If I come back to it at some point I will post here, but I'm busy with other things now so don't hold your breath.