keyboard problem

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Aug 19, 2003
Since a few days, the keys "zxbm,.", return and right shift, intermittently stop working anywhere from seconds to ?? minutes. No other keys are malfunctioning from what i have noticed. Since my keyboard became disfunctional/was broken and i bought a new one to replace it, im beginning to suspect the keyboard controller is damaged as well. With the old keyboard the problems are much worse and permanent.
It doesnt appear to be a software error since it also turns up in the BIOS and is seemingly not effected by (hard) reset. I have already tried setting the ram timings to slower than rated timings to see if that helps but that has had no effect so far. System is not overclocked and shows no other anomalies.
Any ideas? If its just the ps/2 path to the controller thats is gone bad, then a usb keyboard should have no problems, but how likely is that. Add that my new keyboard is not available other than for ps/2 connection :( Also dont have easy/free access to a usb keyboard to test if that suffers the same problem.

If cant be solved, im going to want to get rid of the system or at least most of it. Have no justifiable need for a keyboardless server or dummy machine atm.
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Ok firstly I am sure many people would be quick to point out I am not the best person to advice on a PS2 problem... BUT Have you checked the pins on your PS2 socket?

It does sound like an extreemly odd problem, but I would recomend a test with a USB keyboard!!

the keyboard connector (on the cable) looks fine. I havent checked the pins on the connector (motherboard), since i do have the tools to measure and what would be the proper readings. Except establishing whether there is a connection from connector to motherboard.
It hasnt bothered me today, but that doesnt mean anything it comes and goes as if depending on the airpressure or amount of farting in front of the pc :/ I would have tested with a usb if i had easy access to one, but thanks for suggesting it anyway.
now the prob has been back since yesterday, think im giving up on this mobo... 2 dif keyb show errors, tho not all the same.
need a cheap fix, so recommendations would be nice. typing 6 broken chars with Alt-xxx codes is really sucky :(
either complete system replacement or just mobo(+cpu+ram). current is palomino xp, 2x512 pc2100 ram.
Hi largo
in specialized computer stores you can buy PS2 to Usb converters!
Would be handy in this case i think?
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sneez, pwnage idea, didnt know that was possible to get :bowdown: (after checking prices) effectively a usb keyboard is cheaper :(
Pity you dont live around the corner from me.
i got half a dozen ps2-usb converters.
And some usb-ps2 ones too ;)
mail em to him then but when that happened to me i noticed some ditsinct beer traces in there :P
]hfall thats wrong is that you've silled soething on the kheyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like i have just now and these letters now dont work for e too just oen and clean ,.
Keyboard fixed now.
if stripping your keyboard for cleaning dont forget to separate the etched sheets and remove the separator too.
wash all non electrical parts in the bath/shower and dry thoroughly.
good luck :thumb:
Tnega said:
Keyboard fixed now.
if stripping your keyboard for cleaning dont forget to separate the etched sheets and remove the separator too.
wash all non electrical parts in the bath/shower and dry thoroughly.
good luck :thumb:

sdrawkcab ni kcab syek eht tup tnod dna
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My kb was fubar cos i spilled a drink (beer) on it.
Its fixed now:D
what came out above was a result of my knackered kb rather than the beer.