I need a STD clan

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New Member
Jun 19, 2002
Hi, im sander, playing ut for about 7 years, uta about 4-5.
Im looking for a clan that want to make fun, and i've possible can win ;)
i can doo everything you want, playing killer, playinging launcher, playing spammer, playing sniper....
i know much hammer-rox launches, have a stable ping, and enoug time 2 spend om pratcise and wars
so ive your on this ladder and looking for a good player p/m me pls, ive your from div1 to 5, swedish to dutch(me :) )no deutch due 15 jun :evil: i wanted 2 play......

names on publics:

Poloza, Kamahari, HOER, |\/||_||\/||\/|,

ex clans:
EOF, ATC, instagib CTF
P*I, ~nk~, UTM Assault
I don't wanna seem rude or anything but how come that you have played UT for 7 years when it was released fall -99? I mean c'mon it have only been around for 4 and a half year or some thing :)
he could have played unreal dm be4 ... its actualy nearly the same xept REAL shit graphix and few other weapons but most is same like sniper shok flak ripper rl bio hm :wow:
MOOOOEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEEEER alles kits man?.... recruit this guy he is a good player and and a cool guy :D

thats not right furious, i was playing it from the beginning..therefore some quake2lithium, that was sooo nice,, shame they never made a mod for ut with the theme. nother thing, i do remember you from the old days, spamming on guardia with happy and rubebrduck my nick was like this |\/||_||\/||\/| yieha!