how do u change clan name

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Aug 2, 2002
UK Wales Cardiff
ive spelt my clan name wrong by accident it is put down as
Dark Allinace
i want to change it to
Dark alliance

can someone help me here
im quite new
brave is a fast admin... took him 2 mins to change it so nobody cares about ur spelling -> brave wirds scho mochen :P
Does that mean u can Change the {R-C} Clan tag to its proper form ???? rather than (R-C) ????

this needs to be done across everthing
Still hard is it to change our clan tag's to the proper ones ????????????????????
Request like this should be made directly to an admin by a player shown to be in a position of power (clan leader/squad leader/arranger holder of admin password).

Its not too hard to do, just several changes where the tag exists in the system.