
  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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New Member
Sep 17, 2001
Hey guys. Dropped by to say hi. Played with Boldarblood on a public tonight and it was kewl playing with an old face.

Boldarblood mentioned playing a friendly. Our crew is trying to give CTF some play, so a friendly CTF match would help an old assaulter like me can get more experience. Maybe some kind of friendly with UT2003 just to see if it's possible to play a match with that game might be nice to. What do you guys think?
Howdy Simon! Was good playing you, I was up at my parents house, my pops wanted to see what his graphics card could do and I had UT on his machine. STop by our chat sometime, private message me. irc.progameplayer.com #theprojects.
I found your channel, but you weren't in at the time. I'll try again later. We also have a webpage/board at kia.damitclan.com. Drop us a line:).
I tried again to find you Friday. We practice Sundays at 9pm. Stop by then, maybe if we both get enough, we can scrim then.
Wow, you work late. I was looking for you past 10pm EST. I'll keep trying. I mentioned to my guys that I was hoping to get a scrim up for this sunday at 9pm. Let's see if this works. Bring extras in case either side doesn't have enough.
Well, I looked for you several times today (Saturday). Just ask Stan :). Look us up Sunday night, maybe we can get something up then.