HI-SPEED Locked Door

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one of the most useless blocks I know of, mazon gate block

still pretty annoying to see sum fuck trying to cheat:nono:

Then again, :lol: the dumb moron is not defending where he should:rofl:
If u try it could u do 45 seconds? I'm a little slow...
Originally posted by SoldierBoy
if every 1 on deffending team stays on their spawn positions in 30 secs without moving then the g8 will get locked:D try that in some league match :smoke:
hector nees 60 seconds I think, he likes to enjoy the scenery when strolling around before getting down to the nasty bit of the map.
i like it when some moron tries to do it on a server that has a bug fix he will kill hisself then :) thnx for your advice for those 30 sec staying at own spawn place we will train that move

Gate block @ Mazon :lol:.
Who using the Gate to get into the fort?

btw it is easy to solve that problem. Try to jump on the steps@the gate. :]
funny that "everyone" knows how to do all the lame stuff, but noone is telling cous the poor guy could be a "lamer"

anyways, you all got to got it from somewhere, you all tried it a 1000 times yourselves? my ass :p

anyways, i REALLY don't know how to do it, i heard theories about rook but haven't managed it myself, and i have no clue about the 3000 other lame tricks thinkable (i know 4 on ballistic alone)

i asked sam once, but he thought i might be lame and start using it myself