[Health] Asthma n Allergies

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i'm watching Oprah atm, funny, since i never ever watch it :p:
but they're demonstrating a 'nannypot' (i believe that's how they call it.. in dutch it's a 'Neusbidet')
you have some warm water + some salt (Spa water is best) and you drop it in one nose hole, lean to right/left, depending on the hole you fill..



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I see what you mean and tbh its way to sticky/gooey/horrible to swallow etc. However the best method of taknig this is if you : Boil kettle, make some nice hot blackcurrant squash pour in some sugar for sweetness if it isnt that nice, add some honey and if you have aches or whatever, add paracetemol. Works a treat and tastes really nice. Homemade Lemsip, but what the hell, so much nicer than the brand.