Good night thread.

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

Thanks, you're a star.

Let me know how you get on. If you play Orange standard I may well get chance to see how u get on. Good luck.
NP. imho (not honest really, v biased) orange servers rock, and u get a great class (in niceness terms) of player. But you're right the top class in terms of UT skills do play jolt. Jolt insta is my fave server at mo for playing.... (don't let Sullen_Scrota know), but for a laugh Orange standard when the regulars are on (TED, Dr_Snuggles, wingman, starlight, baha, gilgamesh and many many more) is great. :beer:

Thanks 4 playing 4 me :thumb:, if you need me to return the favour just let me know. I'm back home now so once I've had food and beer i'll be able to play for myself

Evening all!! :wave:
Evening all !!! :wave: again.
this is now my favourite thread. Just come here to get rid of my negative thoughts from two games with sam :wanker: .

ahhhhh i fell better. Back l8r to say good night.
I leave u with a happy smilie and the thought that u can't beat real farm made cider...

good morning:wave:

btw when have you left bod apoc?
Not cheating
But the 2 Ai's just HAD to be on the same team.

Team balance was totally fucked up.
As I didn't want to rush thru Aspamosphere 7 or 6 vs 3 I left the server.

Eq comment: "Life isn't fair" bahhh

Guess Im just not used to see Apoc involved in being unfair :(
may be, as long as I stay off the Orange servers....:hide:
still while I'm here I might as well say good morning again.

Good Morning !! :wave: