gl BB

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all the best with your recovery Bad Boy, make it a full recovery and keep hanging in there!:scream:

oops, should not be shouting I guess :banghead:
anything about his recovery? sorry to hear he is still in pain
but will he make a full recovery or is it still unknown?

thanks for keeping us posted:)
more good news, he isnt on the intensive station anymore and he has no hoses (<- dont know that wod, my dictionary told me that its the word for schlauch) anymore:thumb:
vrije vertaling:

hij is nu van intensive care af en heeft blijkbaar niet meer al die slangetjes nodig (voor beademing en voeding?) klinkt goed:)

just the sort of Dutch translation

LoL @ Mido, he can't understand the most beautifull language on earth: English....
hm the most beautifull langauge is GERMAN but nobody speaks it :(

but english rockz because EVERYBODY (except mido :P) undestands it

@Mido: Ye that was confusing, its I think the wrong word for tubes.... if they need hoses to get things sorted in intensive care.... pfew
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