General protection failure prob

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New Member
Apr 3, 2006
I get the following failure when I try to play a Tm match on servers. Servers and everything work ok when I play with <FFS>. any ideas whats causing this ? :(

utdc dont like when u move to assault server same happens if u move from some ictf servers think its the version thats loaded does it

you have to shutdown ut and restart
Well once I tried to enter the server four times. Everytime it crashed.

I booted my comp, but still it persist :p:
Change video driver to OpenGL and no more crash, that is what I have found over tha past 2 years.
Havent tried DB's solution yet..gonna try it when we have next match..

I'd rather use OpenGL..but it opposes me a new problem..the game lags like hell...:uhh:
no luck.

I downloaded that stuff from DB's link but still crashes. also removed all demos and cleared cache, but no..:(

OpenGl seemed to look nice. although it's not as smooth as direct3d, so that sucked.

Running on Vista and Radeon X1600 btw.
Imo its more likely to be caused by the antivirus / spyware program you are using rather tahn by vista if its 32 bit

its known that X64 causes a prob but not 32
Is there a way to run UT with UTDC (needed for PUG and UTAservers) on a 64bit vista? I thought that PuPu had 64bit problem like me but 32bit? (and still free^^ is saying UTDC runs good for him at vista64)....

Anyway plz aloso help my b33r m8 with his 32bit

greetz dErz