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New Member
Jul 17, 2001
you truely are a complete idiot... and im sure i speak for all pi8 and friends that you are not welcome in our forums anymore.

if you post in our forums one more time you will be banned.
I really don't think Gen meant to cause anyone this much harm. We have to remember that he is not from the U.S and to fully understand just what we as Americans are going through, maybe something only we will understand. The emotions of what happened a year ago are still very fresh and all of our minds. It has affected each and everyone of us more than anyone else and I don't think any other country will understand fully until something like this happens to them.

I'm not defending his actions but I really don't think Gen meant to cause anyone any heartache. He has his views and everyone knows they are against the U.S Government but I think everyone also knows he would never purposely make a post to invoke such an ill feeling.