friendly ctf against [SWF]

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there will be a friendly ctf against [SWF].

time: saturday, 2nd feb. '02, 2100gmt
player: 3v3 or 4v4
weapons: normal
maps: face, gauntlet
time per map: 20min

i hope
too bad *=)IAS(=* lost the best snipz0r

May have lost the best sniper but we have the best attacker (me), I used to own at Facing Worlds and thwy never could find me until it was too late...
like its that hard to find a glowing dood with a flag running around there :D

you should play on servers where people dont have names like diablo241 or afro-man or monsterkillerrrrr :lol:
match reminder

folks, remember the friendly ctf match against [SWF] tomorrow,
saturday, 2nd feb. '02, 2100gmt .
match summary

ok, today we managed to play the friendly against [SWF]. it was a nice, funny and fair game. there were some very close caps for both teams. finally we had a bit more luck.

IAS-warriors: Hulken, Ceristo, gHaStLy, sneaky
score: IAS 4 - 2 SWF

IAS-warriors: Hulken, cannos, sneaky
score: IAS 12 - 6 SWF

thanks for the match SWF, it was a very GG.