exec ?

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I've got the progaminghand!
Feb 18, 2002
i was looking in the [x] forum and destroy had an sreenshot and it was other colors so i asked voltage and he gived me the blaat exec . but i know munky has the lol exec in his ini and is there more exec ? so yes can u guys post it here ? thanx alot ! :love:

lol nah, i think destroy named his tweaks file (coloured teamsay and stuff) blaat or sum shit, and luwe is wondering if there is soemthing else besides blaat:P monkey prolly has an exec file with the lol bind or summin... i dunno, thats what i think tho :lol:
omg talking about useless but ye can set some settings @ exec like different lights , name color, weapon display bla bla bla etc etc etc
you can exec .txt files .ini files
half my ini is made up of exec binds to change my settings for game types etc
if your after the tweeks.ini
then here my old one i dunno if its been changed over the years.
// UT tweeks.ini edited version of Nexx original
// Place this file in your UT/System folder, and type "exec tweaks.ini' in the Console to perform these commands.
// ==================================================

// some classes must be 'pre-loaded' before you can alter them, this 'loads' them so to speak.
// Stick any additional actors in here which u are modifying, or actors with textures / sounds / meshes you wish to use.
summon udamage
summon warheadlauncher
summon ut_stealth
summon lightbox
summon boulder2
summon boulder1
summon unrealshare.fan2
summon unreali.flag1
summon unreali.flagb
summon multimesh.tcowcarcass
summon tmalebody
summon tbosscarcass

// Set confirmation Messages (does not affect ut_stealth).
set ut_stealth m_activated =========================================
set ut_stealth m_selected TWEAKS INITIALIZED!
set ut_stealth m_deactivated =========================================

// Adds confirmation message to the console.
get ut_stealth m_activated
get ut_stealth m_selected
get ut_stealth m_deactivated

// Game menu alterations
set utgamemenu quittext DON'T LEAVE ME PLZ!!!
set UBrowserFavoritesMenu editfavoritename Edit
set UBrowserFavoritesMenu newfavoritename New
set UBrowserFavoritesMenu FavoritesName Delete
set UBrowserPlayerGrid fragstext Score // Shows 'score' instead of 'frags' in the server broswer.

// Stops weapons shaking your screen when fired.
set ut_eightball shaketime 0
set ut_eightball shakemag 0
set ut_flakcannon shaketime 0
set sniperrifle shaketime 0
set minigun2 shakemag 0
set minigun2 shakevert 0
set minigun2 shaketime 0
set pulsegun shakemag 0
set pulsegun shakevert 0
set enforcer shaketime 0
set ripper shakevert 0
set ripper shakemag 0
set ut_biorifle shaketime 0
set shockrifle shaketime 0
set impacthammer shakemag 0
set impacthammer shaketime 0
set warheadlauncher shaketime 0

// Weapon Pickup Messages
//set ut_eightball pickupmessage +Rocket launcher
//set ut_flakcannon pickupmessage +Flak
//set sniperrifle pickupmessage +Sniper
//set minigun2 pickupmessage +Minigun
//set pulsegun pickupmessage +Pulsegun
//set enforcer pickupmessage +enforcer
//set ripper pickupmessage +Ripper
//set ut_biorifle pickupmessage +BioRifle
//set shockrifle pickupmessage +Shockrifle

// Client messages.
set killermessageplus youkilled YOU FUCKED UP
set decapitationmessage decapitationstring BRAIN SPLAT!

set killingspreemessage endspreenote 's killing spree was ended by
set firstbloodmessage firstbloodstring KILLED FIRST

set multikillmessage DoubleKillString 2 KILLS!
set multikillmessage MultiKillString 3 KILLS!
set multikillmessage UltraKillString 4 KILLS!
set multikillmessage MonsterKillString FUCKING HELL YOU KILLED 5 IN A ROW !!!

// New Translocator skins (for poeple with weapon on screen).
set translocator multiskins asmd_t3

// these textures i thought looked good:
// Flak_t4
// JHbox1
// Jpulse3rd_01
// JwarHead 3
// eight_t1
// eight_t3

// Minigun shit
set mtracer bhidden 1 // No minigun tracers.
set mtracer lighttype lt_none // No minigun tracer dynamic lights.
set minigun2 Misc1Sound none // No Wind-down sound.
//set minigun2 muzzleflashmesh none // No minigun Muzzle flash (3rd person)
set pulsegun muzzleflashmesh none // No primary pulse gun Muzzle flash (3rd person)

// Confirmation messages.
set chnullhud escmessage -[ Tweaks Enabled ]- // Bottom of screen.
set uwindowconsolewindow windowtitle UT Console - Tweaks Enabled! // Console heading.

// Coloured Teamsay
set teamsaymessageplus greencolor (g=255,r=255) // Player's name
set teamsaymessageplus lightgreencolor (g=255,r=255) //Player's message
set teamsaymessageplus cyancolor (g=0,r=255,b=0) // PLayer's location

// New 'Simpler' Death Messages ( %k = killer's name) (%0 = victims name).
set enforcer Deathmessage %k >ENFORCER> %o
set ut_biorifle Deathmessage %k >BIO-RIFLE> %o
set shockrifle Deathmessage %k >SHOCK-RIFLE> %o
set pulsegun Deathmessage %k >PULSEGUN> %o
set minigun2 Deathmessage %k >MINIGUN> %o
set ut_flakcannon Deathmessage %k >FLAK> %o
set ut_eightball Deathmessage %k >RL> %o
set sniperrifle Deathmessage %k >SNIPER> %o
set impacthammer Deathmessage %k >IMPACT> %o
set translocator Deathmessage %k >TELEFRAGGED!> %o

// Translocator Stuff
set translocator statusicon none // Hud thing.
set UTTeleportEffect bhidden 1 // Removes teleport effect.

//Replaces high-polygon Trans-out effect with a 2d sprite - improves FPS.
set translocouteffect drawtype dt_sprite
set translocouteffect texture botpack.womanbelt

// Timedemo (Frame Rate) Captions.
set console lastsectext LS
set console avgtext A

// 'Unlit Maps' - Similar to Q3's Vertex lighting...well..sorta :p - Does not work for all maps, only those with a default Brightness level.
set levelinfo brightness 15

// Misc stuff
set ut_shellcase bhidden 1 // No bullet shell ejects for Enforcer + Sniper.
set minishellcase bhidden 1 // No bullet shell ejects for Minigun.
set shockbeam rotationrate (roll=0,pitch=0,yaw=0) // Primary shockbeam does not rotate.
set pickupmessageplus bisconsolemessage 0 // Stops pickup messages from filling up the console.
set chip bhidden 1 //NO chips fly out from wall hits.
set ut_spark bhidden 1 //No sparks from bullets hitting walls.
set ut_sparks bhidden 1
set EnhancedRespawn bhidden 1 // DisablesWeapon , Ammo + powerups spawn effects.
set rocketmk2 rotationrate (roll=0) // Rockets do not spin around in the air.
set udamage texture tlthunder // Damage Amp texture
set waterzone viewfog (x=0,y=0,z=0) // ==No fog / haze when underwater.==

// Bio Rifle.
set bioglob texture pbolt0
set biosplash texture pbolt0
set ut_biogel texture pbolt0

// Remove various Decorations.
set fan2 bhidden 1
set lightbox bhidden 1
set boulder2 bhidden 1
set flag1 bhidden 1
set flagb bhidden 1
set pipebend bhidden 1

// Turn off Ambient sounds (does not work for all sounds, but most)
set ambientsound soundradius 0
set ambientsound soundvolume 0
set ambientsound soundpitch 0

// End messages in console.
get ut_stealth m_deactivated

// Take me make to the menu
MenuCmd 4 0


copy paste that into a .txt file then save it as tweeks.ini shove it in your UT system folder and when you want to use it type exec tweeks.ini

and you your game will look like shite but play like stink.

posting this will no doubt put peoples nose out because some people think this tweek.ini is a cheat... to my knowledge this league has never banned the use of tweek.ini and i myself when i had a low spec PC used it for a year or so with teh full knowledge of the league.
lol m8 blaat is just a tweak file i made u can make them yourself with all different tweaks etc. make sumthing nice with the stuff rich posted ^^
X-Bomb said:
lol nah, i think destroy named his tweaks file (coloured teamsay and stuff) blaat or sum shit, and luwe is wondering if there is soemthing else besides blaat:P monkey prolly has an exec file with the lol bind or summin... i dunno, thats what i think tho :lol:
Thaz Mido.