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did I mention mine are finished? nothing to do cept eat, sleep, watch vids, read, sit in the sun (if there was any), get pissed go out (I'm coming to edinburgh on fri if u wanna meet up bro?), hmm what will I do today...mite play UT and be a lazy git all day ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

haha I'm finished ur not hahahahahahaha
got some practice 1st year exam questions for ya bro, just fill in the blanks:

1 + 1 = _

1 + 2 = _

and here is a toughy:

1 * 1 = _

actually I'd better stop taking the piss since I had resists after 1st year.....doh! may that be a lesson, even if ur a genius you still need to work some dunc. Got >90% in 1st year physics exams and failed biology doh, maybe 1 night wasn't enough to learn it all!

looking back I doubt I do anything different though cos I had a mad few years at uni and you never get a chance to go so crazy for so long once you get a job. Thought I had a problem at one point because I couldn't actually say NO if someone wanted to go out......got the overdraft to prove it too!

and now I'm a work-a-holic....amazing how things change lol.
geez you can tell I'm getting bored and edgey without any work to do here.....nearly got my life story there lol :p:
/me touches anton

well for the record i actually was finished yesterday with my exam and paper bollox :d all that i gotta do now is 1 final oral exam :X
:wave: lo Anton

exam was better than I thought, but not good :\ Made up alot of it, 1 of my answered was so shite I couldnt bear to read thru it at the end! :lol:
Anyone else sick of these whining students? If its all so terrible go and work on a turd farm for the rest of your days! :P

(plz forgive me ez and gaz :D)
:rofl: that wot gaz will be doing anyway :lol: fuckin biochem student :fingers: ... says me who has only *just* switched to do straight chem and maths in my 2nd year :P