Constructive Discussion for PUG Maps

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Jun 8, 2001
Well guys firstly let me thank the community here for making PUG such a success. I truly believe that it’s helped keep assault momentum alive during these tough times and keeping the high level of play we all want.

Now this brings me onto the main topic of this thread;

I want people to mention some maps they think are league worthy, fun, different, interesting, whatever.

The great advantage to PUG is that we can test the maps under ‘league’ play conditions. Most of the time people spend years debating a map on the forums and then the map get’s lost and 6 months later brought up for another discussion.

I want to try to add 1 new map to PUG every 2 weeks. The maps will be under trial and will not remain there. After the 2 weeks we can give some good comments on the map and decide if it’s good enough to stay in the PUG. Then perhaps the map will stay longer or given extra testing time.

Deciding if it’s good enough to play doesn’t mean it has to be league/bug free but if the assault community enjoyed the map should count for a lot in my opinion.

I hope some of you share this idea and will share your opinions.

Thrasher (_!_) said:
GuardiaFUN is a gr8 may not be tactical or skillful but it makes me laugh :)
Yeah, GuardiaFUN :)
oh, and try out TheDungeon]l[ :)
GuardiaFUN could be nice but maps that need some testing would be AS-Portal, AS-TheDungeon]l[ and AS-Capacitance.
Maps that have proven for years to be very enjoyable 6v6 in NA. They are both very popular maps.

AS-Vampire: small open map, mainly shock/minigun and only the first 2 objs are defendable for more then 30 sec. , average assault time about 2:30
AS-BioassaultNA: long and big map, very straightforward, some chokepoints especially the first "real" objective, strangely VERY balenced, the average assault time would be around 6-7 minutes.

"NA" maps that i consider better then many league maps, and all the current "potential for league" maps.

2 new maps by Sidoh:
UnderwaterMissileSilo, there are many versions around but the last one looks pretty badass: its kinda like an open area subbase, 2 or 3 times bigger, might need some more intense playing to be able to determine is its really balenced.
TheDungeon, also many versions im not even sure i played the latest but its very fun to play, has an atmosphere like golgotha and about the same size as both, a bit less launch possibilities but it looks very fun to play and so far looks very balenced.

iSEAL][ : a bit of a weird map but its on our pugbot, kinda lots of useless space but its still more balenced/enjoyable then the current versions of saqqara, rocketcommand and tydium

Also on a personal note I know many don't know about or like them but when i was a noob (noober then what i am now) i used to play what we call BAMs. (big ass maps)

there was many of them and most are totally unbalenced now with the fragging skill level of the players yet some might still be balenced.

AS-Gladiator][ : very big and open map, loads of fun but very rarely done under 8 min. It contains no weird powerups like a deemer or a dmg amp but it has 1 invis.

AS-BigAssteroidV3 : HUGE map about 4 to 5 times the size of golgotha. V3 was done to make it alot easier for offence, but with the fragging skills being what they are it might still be hard to O. It also contains deemers so i guess thats a nono.

AS-IndefiniteAL : very big map and it didnt get a lot of testing 6v6, contains a lot of powerups but its pretty straightforward and very enjoyable.
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I can host a utapug site, for maps required for pug play!

(I have access to a no-limit server 1gb line around 60-100mb enuff?)

Will make new maps easier to access and you dont have to do UT DL! :satan:
Mc already uploads the test maps to his webspace (its in the topic), although as he hasnt been around much recently this may be a bit outdated :p
Bamse, Timo, would very much appreciate that as my space is meant to be 'Private'.

So if you could provide a link for such a page either of you I would gladly update it on UTAPUG IRC and add a post to the original PUG thread.

seems like timo has alot of maps, just need a folder with only pug-maps or smthn so you ez can find it! :satan: