AutoRIP door...

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The door closes when you kill the switch. It's a fast way for defenders to get down there but it's really rubbish imo! I always get stuck on the escalator :(
Did it not also used to get rid of the buggy force field thing that covered the window to the dev switch?
pretty useless objective. 10/10 times it gets taken in the first attacking wave, so that side entrance is just a waste of map space :P
"or laser @ ballistic" "or @ guardia"

Eh theres bit more than just points for them 2 if you dont get it your not going anywhere ^^
yup, its like walls @ thedungeon, or laser @ ballistic (in 1st spawn)...or @ guardia and hispeed (all obj without 2 last), here if your spawn is the best in your team, then u can get it for more points...nothing more...

Can´t believe you missed mentioning the "Tnega" objective on Siege][ :lol:
Eh theres bit more than just points for them 2 if you dont get it your not going anywhere ^^
yup...but if @ this maps (guardia and hispeed) would be only 2 (last) obj. then there wouldnt be a different, only u get few points less to your stats...if u rly care about that :rolleyes:

btw. yes...i miss tnega...also:
- enter to ship at frigate (1st obj)
- beach at overlord...(1st obj again)
i think its all...cause after get obj like walls and 1st obj at riverbed (both) u get closer spawns, so i dont see other not useful obj now
Wrong, it rules.

Lots of those other objectives mentioend serve as warnings to the defence, like Guardia may do nothing for the attack but they're very handy for def to know where the attack has got to (HiSpeed, Overlord, Frigate are all similar). And like Geo said, there are lots of others that are necessary for the attack to move forward, even if the map could easily survive without them. But the Auto one does not a thing, except warn the def that a route they NEVER take is now closed to them. Could an attacker get through that door when it's opened by a def, skip past the cannons and jump into the Research tele?

And yes, Ball Main Gate thing should be worth 10 points.
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wouldnt it be nice if it spawned a jumppad just under the sniper nest window, for 2secs everytime it was touched!

Some obs are useful to defenders though - on overlord the breachhead one tells you if some sneaky bugger crept around beach while you are sniping and didnt see them.

If tnega goes 2 mins into game you know someone has gone back for the belt.