[ADC] signing off!

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ https://discord.gg/JuaSzXBZrk for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

Sad to see you guys go :(,Joined about the same time as {R-C} and saw many clans come and go,we had some good matches together. good luck in your new clan guys and hopefully we will meet soon :cuddle:
there was an NSA in WAR I think

Mi5, Mi6, MoD, NSA, KGB

now all that's missing is the nerd equivalent of the FBI :lol:
Originally posted by Vince_Black
byebye ADC, welcome NSA (btw, wasnthge there and NSA before 1 or 2 years ago???)

yepp, 2 years ago Vinnie u slag, we played them twice :)

btw, gg ADC... hf & gl and whatever u need for leading a good life...
Originally posted by sobo
bye, sauron once was in N$A and i thought they also played in UTA :confused:
There is not a clan with "NSA" or similar as tag on the league database, 19 months old.
If there was before I don't know... same goes for WAR league.

Sad to see ADC leaving :( and good luck with your new clan :)