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  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

  1. FluidEye

    (-8-) say goodbye

    laters i was just afk there for awhile
  2. FluidEye

    The story of your clan...

    a few met some weird guy called turbo from a clan called mod on a server, joined them, and looked on as turbo invented rocket-launching on mazon. straight from where the launcher lies, so people got killed landing every second time... there began som talk about a league which nuke ofcourse made...
  3. FluidEye

    Public Server....

    Jackdaniels :jd:
  4. FluidEye

    Best AS-player in leaguehistory?

    obrero was defenitely the best attacker for quite a long time in mi5 (whereas konnan and general where better defenders). before i made the mistake of recruiting them, i owned you all (especially the raging nrg) :D some time before that kapten sweden and spiritguide beat everyone one a good day...
  5. FluidEye

    -={Mi6}=- Come back

    erm imagine me and anna (girl from texas, usa, 2nd leader of mi5), putting tek in command of mi6 :D was a quite amusing discussion we had there (i and anna that is), and btw - mcneill and ninja (ion) was close to be put in there also :D
  6. FluidEye

    Serverstart Delay

    with matches beling allowed to end anytime we wouldn't know when to play them.
  7. FluidEye


    :D have a better1 (honestly, plz do!). and to y 2 sobo, atleast y still got the fun birthdays left :D
  8. FluidEye

    ->swap<-, make us proud!

    tut, inte alltid... lite försiktig kan man ändå vara innan man verkligen vet... cosmic, alpha och supermic spelade proas med oss, inte stdas, och det är väl rätt poänglöst att stanna i en klan som inte spelar längre?! varken jag, jinx, obbe, yozhi, terror, xeno eller uven spelar väl i swap...
  9. FluidEye

    ->swap<-, make us proud!

    har du funderat på varför tut? var ion mindre eller mer omtyckta än mi5? var mi5 illa omtyckta före ion? var nrg och x-squad mindre omtyckta när de vann mot mi5? tyckte *.se illa om swap på något vis? antingen överskattar ni helt enkelt er relevans, eller kanske inbillar er att ni klarat av det...
  10. FluidEye


    ...and some might not be in school, ever thought about that? some might have more time to play during their vacations, ever thought about that? some might have very little time to play when they actually do study or work, ever thought about that? some people may be working nights, did the...
  11. FluidEye

    Grattis på födelsdagen HARLEY

    asså hanfyllerår å de e fan hansproblem. primalterapi åt folket å fetkäft allesamman. harley skrik ut din ångest! fira me haschipannkakor å svampsoppa istället oxå blir flott
  12. FluidEye

    Div 3 insta and div 6 standard

    well if the lowest division consists of 4 clans only, then let them play 3 matches only...
  13. FluidEye

    The reason of good sniping!!?

    i was sure it was all about prediction, as some who i percieve as good snipers perform much worse with other weapons, minigun included - but: as i began playing good snipers online (beginning with the cia/ufm/lk-guys) i first changed my opinion to that they were good snipers because they...
  14. FluidEye

    fastest RiverbedAL time?

    just sad, that's enough for y to know. and anyone who does a movie with themselfs hammerjumping should reconsider their existence before releasing it
  15. FluidEye

    [-{s}-] server

    Why anything else? It's not very stable yet it seems, it will be.
  16. FluidEye

    [-{s}-] server

    It's fixed, and up and running again.
  17. FluidEye

    [-{s}-] server

    Can be found on unreal:// running all league maps in ProAS-mode. It's located in Stockholm, Sweden. Contact me if you for any reason would like to use it for a match or Iggy if you would like someone banned, we can be found at irc:// Have a nice 1
  18. FluidEye

    just another idea

    x x
  19. FluidEye

    EAC cmon!!

    the last time not that i guess it'll happen again, but the last time (and only time) every country played eachother twice, on servers of each teams choice - but it was only league-servers in used though (as example, the scandinavian teams used server 2 (later server 4, the norwegian server, as...
  20. FluidEye

    just another idea

    well the match-report could actually automatically be converted to a post in a new "match-report" forum :D seems it's forgotten that half of the posts are congratulations actually, and it could be used to post pictures and advertise demos from the match in question :D ezboard and phil kept...