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New Member
Jul 20, 2001
End of the world
Ehm wtf is this, yesterday evening I didnt have any problems :S

[14:04] * Connecting to (6667)
[14:04] *** Looking up your hostname...
[14:04] *** Found your hostname (cached)
[14:04] *** Checking ident...
[14:04] *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
[14:04] *** If you are having problems connecting due to ping timeouts, please type /notice 3AB970A1 nospoof now.
*** You're using an insecure proxy. This means that everyone can connect to it, a use it for malicious things. Please secure your proxy with at least a password
[14:04] Closing Link: ProjectX[] (You are banned from using this server)
[14:04] * Disconnected
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It seems you are running an insecure proxy, we've started scanning for these recently to improve the network's security. I'll get Doh, the secuirty expert, to come and post and see if he can help you out

I've removed your host name from your post for your security :D
It shouldnt be on, and i just checked it again..
Anyway, it means youre a n00b at configuring your computer. You running something at port 8080, 23, 1080, 3128, 80 ?