What to do with all the mousebuttons ?

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New Member
Jun 11, 2001
Just bought a new mouse (mx500).

Any suggestions on what to bind to all the buttons ?
left and right + 6 more buttons.
Ive not got that mouse but I suggest you place Weaponbinds on em, and maybe some texts like "Incoming Launcher" "Incoming Hammerjumper" (good for mazon etc.) "Incoming High / Low" etc. as well.
Has to be something that does not do something bad when u click it accidentally.

For one game I had my suicide key bound to the thumb button, a few maps with sub zero scores l8r I changed the binding to "Ha Ha Ha".
Didnt get any of the 'extra' buttons work in UT with my mx700 before, but checked logitech site today again and the new mouseware 9.76 ( released 03/26/2003 ) finally fixed all problems :D

Now i gotta but that Ice set-up :cool:
I suggest using one of the buttons for running, I have this on mine so I can free up a hand to press a bind near the left side of the keyboard
Originally posted by Deadl¥
how th3 hell do i get my sidebuttons work in UT fs :P
Download new mouseware and config them in windows as F1 - F 12 / enter / backspace etc. then confic UT buttons as same :Joystick:
i suggest you put ur hammerjump bind (if you use it) on ur thumb button.. i got a sommat older version of ur mouse.. the logitech mouseman(type before the mx series i think)
i couldnt live without my thumb"jump" button :D
I have 5 buttons on my intellimouse and use them for the following:

Side/front = F1 (find this very useful checking scores, who is there etc!)
Side/back = Jump
Left and right = fire and altfire (of course!) and
middle = hammerjump
i have 5 i only use 4 though

pri fire on left
alt fire on right
hammerjump on middle
Teamspeak pust to talk key on thumb button
Intellimouse pwns ;)

Left mousebutton = Fire
Middle mousebutton = Altfire
Right mousebutton = Jump
Side/back = hammer, translocator
Side/front = hammerjump
Scroll up = enforcer, pulse, mini
Scroll down = rox, shock
Shift (yeah, im an arrow user) = goo, flake
Ctrl = redeemer, ripper, sniper
deadly in ur mouse software, u can select the side buttons what u want them to be. just make em any key on the keyboard, like 'f' then in ut, just make what ever u want to do be f. then it will work :p

u prolly have em setup up for webpages atm, like for going backwards and frward. jus change it.