Vehicle CTF

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the leagues are shit for sure, but there are more people playing ut3 publics than ut99.
UT3 is a big failure of epic, even with the patches they havent put a game on the market as great as the first UT. What ive read, epic wants to focus more on console gaming:\. The game is dead even before it should started to get populated.

I bearly play UT3, a waste of my money tbh, i kinda lost confidence in good UT follow up.
UT3 is a big failure of epic, even with the patches they havent put a game on the market as great as the first UT. What ive read, epic wants to focus more on console gaming:\. The game is dead even before it should started to get populated.

I bearly play UT3, a waste of my money tbh, i kinda lost confidence in good UT follow up.


They just don't care about the PC user base anymore, it's all about the $$. They make more on the Unreal Engine then all of the games added up together, so why would they care about the community. They becoming more and more like EA.
I love UT3. I don't understand all the criticism you people have. UT is old and boring. It feels so much better playing UT3 compared to the old UT.

They just don't care about the PC user base anymore, it's all about the $$. They make more on the Unreal Engine then all of the games added up together, so why would they care about the community. They becoming more and more like EA.
true, i think in the years when UT was developed, epic cared more about gameplay + statisfied gamers. Now money plays a big role. Epic somewhere said (cant remember where) that they focus on console because of to much piracy and hacked games on PC. I think they are wrong with that. Afaik UT series has always been a multiplayer game, pirated versions of UT3 cant play online, thus removes the fun out of UT. FPS gamers would still buy it legal just to play online:S. In the near future, PS3 and Xbox360 versions will probably be attacked by hackers also. I think on consoles there is as much piracy as on the PC.

Anyway screw epic:hangover:
ok so over the past few weeks more and more people playing vctf now. e.g. just now on UT3 there are over 150 ppl playing (peak time i know but there are always half decent servers). The skill level is kinda low tho, so you can own easily ;)

I just had the longest single game of my life! Last about an hour, was a 1-1 deadlock for ages, both teams defending amazingly, then one of our guys sneaked through with the flag. (I had fun with my sniper/avril/mini combo ;)

Seriously guys it owns! :D

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which server do you play on joko? I've played a little on dfp but havent seen any from uta on it :P
true, i think in the years when UT was developed, epic cared more about gameplay + statisfied gamers. Now money plays a big role. Epic somewhere said (cant remember where) that they focus on console because of to much piracy and hacked games on PC. I think they are wrong with that. Afaik UT series has always been a multiplayer game, pirated versions of UT3 cant play online, thus removes the fun out of UT. FPS gamers would still buy it legal just to play online:S. In the near future, PS3 and Xbox360 versions will probably be attacked by hackers also. I think on consoles there is as much piracy as on the PC.

Anyway screw epic:hangover:
No, what they said was that Consoles offer stability. It doesn't require your system to be updated every 6 months to play the newest games. It had nothing to do with piracy.
Joko some Stats show me that more 99 players on Public are in UT3 . Start the Game and look @ the browsers. As it already Wrote Epic failed . The Server Browser is a funny Joke , patched imho and still a Joke . "The Bonuspack" that was released with 2 "old" maps , was a Joke , the Balance on some Maps is a Joke . No Anti cheat (for micro ^^) , If u go to Epic Forums and Say anything against UT 3 , the thread will be deletet.
At start i like UT 3 , it makes still some little Fun , but i get Angry when i remeber that i buy a game in Beta Status for 45 euro ...
which server do you play on joko? I've played a little on dfp but havent seen any from uta on it :P

Usually the Multiply servers as i don't ping well to Germany, I've been busy the past week so haven't played much.