UTAPUG - Cannon Fodder

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Jun 14, 2002
I came up with an idea for a new pugtype which anyone can play. Read on.


It's called Cannon Fodder, and is a 7v7 pug game. Each team has one General and six Privates. The Privates are the soldiers which the General sends out into the field to win the maps and, ultimately, the pug. And so anyone signing up has to decide whether they want to be the all powerful General or one of the common soldiery Privates.

What is a General?

The General is the commander of his team. He gives all the orders, all the incomings, tells his soldiers which positions to cover, to hold or to give up. He lays out battle plans, picks maps and calls launches, controlling his team at all stages of the game.

The only catch is that he is not allowed to play in the game, only to spectate.

What is a Private?

The Privates are the General's team of six soldiers, whose job it is to follow his orders as closely as possible, allowing the General to effectively command his troops and claim the map wins.

The problem is that the Privates are so low in the military food chain that they are not allowed to communicate with the opposition or even with each other, in the game (including binds) or in Teamspeak (or by any other means). The only person allowed to speak, give orders, incomings, etc. is the General, who communicates with his troops through Teamspeak.

How do I become a Private?

Like in any other pug, the players who want to play sign up by using a letter in their names; except this time the letters they use are 'pvt' - in other words my name would be 'pvt-useless'. This lets everyone know that these players are volunteering for service as Privates.

How do I become a General?

Just as simple - apply a 'gen' prefix to your name, e.g. 'gen-useless'. There can only be two Generals facing off in any one match, so the General signups have to decide who wants to play whom.

There are some considerations for people who want to try being a General, all crucial to your troops' chances of success:

  • Must have a decent level of English - since English is the most common language in the community the importance of this is obvious
  • Must have a good grasp of tactics, positions, launches, map knowledge - again fairly obvious
  • Must have a positive influence on his troops - whiners and blamers probably won't last long
  • Must know typical pug balancing pretty well - picking stupid, imbalanced teams is not fun for anyone

Any other rules?

Just a quick restatement of things that were mentioned earlier, so that anyone can set up one of these games at any time:

  1. People who want to be Generals change their name in the pug channel to 'gen-[nick]'
  2. People who want to be Privates change their name in the pug channel to 'pvt-[nick]'
  3. Once there are two Generals they communicate with each other to choose their troops from the list of signed Privates, using the typical pug method (teams must be as well balanced as possible)
  4. With the teams sorted the chosen Privates reset the pugbot and sign up for a new pug, using the given letter - the caps don't matter here because each cap just chooses whichever players & maps their General tells them to in PM - Generals MUST NOT SIGN AS PUG PLAYERS
  5. Once the server is up all the Privates join their team's (red / blue) TS channel and mute their mics
  6. The Generals also join their TS rooms and must be the only person in there whose mic is not muted
  7. All Privates join the server as players and togglemute until muteall is in effect - they now cannot use binds, teamsay or TS to talk to each other
  8. The two Generals join the game as specs but unmuted (so that they can communicate with me in spec if things go wrong - they can mute each other or whatever in future games, doesn't matter)
  9. The match starts with the two Generals giving orders to their teams through TS, giving all incomings, positions, etc.
  10. The match ends with one General victorious over the other!

I'd like to try the first Cannon Fodder pug as soon as possible, but as you can see it doesn't require much admin. People can see at a glance whose mics are muted or not in TS, and muteall in the server is also obvious, so cheating is next to impossible. As long as each team gets a General who knows what he's doing, comms well and can pick balanced teams it should be easy enough for everyone to get involved.

So, anyone interested in being the first ever Cannon Fodder General to win a match? Anyone want to lay down their lives as Privates? Anyone want to make jokes about privates? Let me know if you're interested and hopefully we get a match going soon :thumb:
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And after 10 years, Useless still hasn't stopped finding new and creative ways to send his teammates to their deaths.

To me this is similar to how pugs/clan wars should work from the beginning: one person calling the shots and the others listening.
awesome post man, and to make it more readable i translated it to welsh for you

Fe ddes i fyny gyda syniad am pugtype newydd y gall unrhyw un chwarae. Darllenwch ymlaen.


Mae'n cael ei alw Porthiant Cannon, ac yn gêm Pwtyn 7v7. Mae pob tîm yn un Privates Cyffredinol a chwe. Mae'r Privates yw'r milwyr y mae'r Cyffredinol yn anfon allan i'r maes i ennill y mapiau ac, yn y pen draw, Pwtyn. Ac felly dylai unrhyw un ymuno yn gorfod penderfynu a ydynt am fod yn Cyffredinol holl pwerus neu un o'r Privates soldiery cyffredin.

Beth yw Gyffredinol?

Mae'r Cyffredinol yw'r rheolwr a'i dîm. Mae'n rhoi'r holl orchmynion, yr holl sy'n dod i mewn, yn dweud wrth ei filwyr sy'n rhoi mewn sefyllfa i dalu, i ddal neu i roi'r gorau iddi. Mae'n gosod allan gynlluniau frwydr, codi mapiau a lansiadau galwadau, rheoli ei dîm yn ystod pob cam o'r gêm.

Yr unig dal yw nad yw ei fod yn cael chwarae yn y gêm, dim ond i wylio.

Beth yw Preifat?

Mae'r Privates yw tîm Cyffredinol o chwech o filwyr, a'i waith ef yw dilyn ei orchmynion mor agos ag y bo modd, gan ganiatáu i'r Cyffredinol orchymyn i'w filwyr yn effeithiol ac yn hawlio'r map ennill.

Y broblem yw bod y Privates mor isel yn y gadwyn fwyd milwrol nad ydynt yn cael cyfathrebu gyda'r gwrthbleidiau neu hyd yn oed â'i gilydd, yn y gêm (yn cynnwys rhwymo) neu mewn TeamSpeak (neu drwy unrhyw ddull arall). Yr unig berson hawl i siarad, yn rhoi gorchmynion, sy'n dod i mewn, ac yn y blaen yn y Cyffredinol, sy'n cyfathrebu gyda'i filwyr drwy TeamSpeak.

Sut mae dod yn breifat?

Fel mewn unrhyw Pwtyn arall, y chwaraewyr sydd eisiau chwarae gofrestru drwy ddefnyddio llythyr yn eu henwau, ac eithrio y cyfnod hwn mae'r llythrennau maent yn eu defnyddio 'PVT' - mewn geiriau eraill, byddai fy enw yn 'PVT-ddiwerth'. Mae hyn yn gadael i bawb wybod bod chwaraewyr hyn yn gwirfoddoli i wasanaeth fel Privates.

Sut mae dod yn Gyffredinol?

Yn union fel y syml - defnyddio rhagddodiad 'gen' i eich enw, ee 'Gen-ddiwerth'. Gall dim ond dau Cyffredinol yn wynebu i ffwrdd yn unrhyw un gêm, felly hefyd y Cofrestrau Cyffredinol i benderfynu pwy eisiau chwarae nhw.

Mae rhai ystyriaethau ar gyfer pobl sydd am roi cynnig bod yn Cyffredinol, oll yn hanfodol i gyfleoedd eich milwyr o lwyddiant:
Rhaid meddu ar lefel gweddus o Saesneg - ers Saesneg yw'r iaith fwyaf cyffredin yn y gymuned y pwysigrwydd hyn yn amlwg
Rhaid meddu ar afael dda ar dactegau, swyddi, lansiadau, gwybodaeth map - eto yn weddol amlwg
Rhaid cael dylanwad cadarnhaol ar ei filwyr - whiners a blamers debyg na fydd yn para'n hir
Rhaid gwybod cydbwyso Pwtyn nodweddiadol yn eithaf da - nid pigo timau dwp, anghytbwys yn hwyl i unrhyw un

Unrhyw reolau eraill?

Dim ond ailddatganiad cyflym o bethau y soniwyd amdanynt yn gynharach, fel y gall unrhyw un sefydlu un o'r gemau hyn ar unrhyw adeg:
Mae pobl sydd eisiau bod yn Cyffredinol newid eu henw yn y sianel Pwtyn i 'gen-[Nick]'
Mae pobl sydd am fod yn Privates newid eu henw yn y sianel Pwtyn i 'PVT-[Nick]'
Unwaith y mae dau Cyffredinol maent yn cyfathrebu â'i gilydd i ddewis eu milwyr oddi ar y rhestr o Privates llofnodi, gan ddefnyddio'r dull Pwtyn nodweddiadol (rhaid i dimau fod yn gytbwys, yn ogystal ag y bo modd)
Gyda'r timau ddatrys y Privates ddewiswyd ailosod y pugbot a chofrestru ar gyfer y Pwtyn newydd, gan ddefnyddio'r llythyr a roddir - nid yw'r capiau ydynt o bwys yma gan fod pob cap yn unig yn dewis pa un bynnag chwaraewyr a mapiau eu Cyffredinol yn dweud wrthynt yn PM - RHAID Cyffredinol NID LLOFNODI FEL CHWARAEWYR Pwtyn
Unwaith y bydd y gweinyddwr yn yr holl Privates ymuno (coch / glas) sianel TS eu tîm a mute eu mics
Mae'r Cadfridogion hefyd yn ymuno eu hystafelloedd TS a rhaid iddo fod yr unig un i mewn 'na y mae ei meic ddim yn dawel
Mae pob Privates ymuno â'r gweinydd fel chwaraewyr a togglemute nes muteall mewn gwirionedd - maent yn awr yn methu defnyddio clymu, teamsay neu TS i siarad â'i gilydd
Roedd y ddau Cyffredinol ymuno â'r gêm fel specs ond unmuted (er mwyn iddynt allu cyfathrebu â mi yn spec os aiff pethau o chwith - gallant fud gilydd neu beth bynnag mewn gemau yn y dyfodol, nid yw'n fater)
Roedd y gêm yn dechrau gyda'r ddau Cyffredinol yn rhoi gorchmynion i'w timau trwy TS, gan roi'r holl sy'n dod i mewn, swyddi, ac ati
Mae'r gêm yn dod i ben gydag un Cyffredinol ennill dros y llall!

Hoffwn i roi cynnig ar y Porthiant Cannon cyntaf Pwtyn cyn gynted ag y bo modd, ond fel y gallwch weld nad oes angen llawer o admin. Gall pobl weld ar unwaith ei mics yn ddistewi a'i peidio yn TS, ac muteall yn y gweinydd yn amlwg hefyd, felly twyllo yn nesaf i amhosibl. Cyn belled â bod pob tîm yn cael Cyffredinol sy'n gwybod beth mae'n ei wneud, Cyfathrebu yn dda a gallant ddewis timau cytbwys dylai fod yn ddigon hawdd i bawb i gymryd rhan.

Felly, gall unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn bod yn y Porthiant Cannon erioed Cyffredinol cyntaf i ennill gêm? Dylai unrhyw un sydd am osod i lawr eu bywydau fel y Privates? Dylai unrhyw un sydd am wneud jôcs am privates? Gadewch i mi wybod os oes gennych ddiddordeb, a gobeithio cawn gêm yn mynd yn fuan
Brilliant idea. Will all be about trust and how well the general can communicate. The only problen I see is that its hard enough to get team captains let alone generals.
Thanks Stu for the first sensible, constructive, non-time wasting response :cool:

In a way it may be easier to get Generals than captains, because it's a lot easier to give orders while not having to play. The captain also gets to take a great deal more credit as a General than simply someone who got randcapped or had to captain up just to get the pug started. As for the Privates, the numbers don't matter - a 2v2 would work just as well as a 6v6. In fact it may be easier to get this to catch on by going with small numbers early on, working up to larger teams as more and more people learn how it plays out.
Really like this idea. Just wish I had a pc to take part in it. Would love to try out being a general, as my communication was always spot on in matches etc. Hope you can pull this off mate, great idea.
i'll play as a conscript.

this is how I imagine the general:
It's a great idea. Even tho I have big doubts about the captain spectating *every thing that happens*. I'd have to think more about this, but I will probably come to the conclusion that it is not feasible?

Another thing is that we shouldn't have 2 "bigger" things at a time ;X
Well this is why I avoided organising it as an event, I know people are into the matches you're organising atm, I really preferred to post it here now and give people time to think about it; then when there's time later we can maybe give it a go.

One or two people have mentioned the idea of the all-seeing General being something they're not sure about, but if the General is good enough at knowing where to look / be, knowing which enemy players to spec, and good with his comms and incomings, it becomes a battle between the two Generals, because the Privates are so reliant on their overview.

Anyway, we'll know more once we try it.
Erm, you can call every little thing like this. Every feign death, every tactic you can call out way too early??
Ye but one guy has to see everything and communicate it effectively. It's then up to each General to outsmart the other.
I've thought about it too, yea the enemy general will be able to point out every little thing such as feign deaths etc but then there will always be times where he may miss something important because they are concentrating too much on something non-critical like a feign death, it will be down to who utilises their time better and how they strategise.

If your a smart general, you would try and "bait" a play whilst someone is sneaking around doing something.