UT Reporter Bot Config

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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Crazy Squirrel

<b>***** *****istrator</b><br>Keeper of the BOOM S
May 28, 2001
London, UK
Ok 2 things.
1) The bot nickname cannot contain serv
2) The bot (for some reason) won't join your channel but rather msg it externally.

Ok now to set it up... (bits in caps u change)

Setup and register a channel. Get your bot on the server with the nick you want. Then we want to make the bot reg its nick and point at your channel:

/msg BOTSNICK BOTPASSWORD irccom privmsg nickserv :register ANICKPASSWORD [email protected]

Then set up its commands (identify and join):
/msg BOTSNICK BOTPASSWORD irccommand1 privmsg nickserv :identify ANICKPASSWORD

Then add it to your channel VOP / AOP list or whatever you want:
/msg chanserv vop #YOURCHANNEL add BOTSNICK

Now your bot will join the channel get auto voice/op and broadcast the game as normal :D

However with the new IRC software there is a socks scan which takes around 10secs. If you post your bots registered nickname, the channel it broadcasts in and its mask (i.e a whois on it) in reply to this thread then we'll look at faster access for your bot.
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However with the new IRC software there is a socks scan which takes around 10secs. If you post your bots registered nickname, the channel it broadcasts in and its mask (i.e a whois on it) in reply to this thread then we'll look at faster access for your bot.

ok so old thread but is there anything can be done to speed up our reporter bots access?

Nick: RCJoltreporter
> Address: [email protected] «Unknown»
> Name: UT Reporter - Created by John (aka TheFury) ][ www
> Services: Registered
> Channels: @#rcwars
> Server: pie.uk.eu.worldassault.com, mmmmmm... IRC pie
> Idle: 1 Second
> SignOn: Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 at 8:16pm
> User List Catagory: Not in User Lists
> Channels in common with RCJoltreporter: #rcwars

tia :D
Come to #staff on irc and we will have a look at it gringo.

Oh, and i dont know what this socks scanner CS is talking about is, it is not in our irc server software anyways.. However if you are having problems with bots taking long time to connect it is probably because the bot's server is dropping the ident request sent from the irc server.

Remember to always have port 113 either blocked or accepted, do not set it to drop as this will make your connect time about 30 seconds. If you use a router remember to forward port 113.
CS's original post was nearly 2 years ago :p so its not surprising that things have changed.