Unreal setup guide

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Oct 21, 2001
To make it as simple as possible, and make the servers run with the same configuration, im making this guide.
First thing to do is to:
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/Unreal3.2-beta19.tar.gz --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11
Then you untar it with tar -zxf Unreal3.2-beta19.tar.gz
Enter the directory and run ./Config
After scrolled the readme through you use the following settings:
  • Press Enter to the IP spoofing question
  • Press Enter to server configuration files AND location of the binary file
  • Choose which type of server you are going to run (leaf or hub)
  • Enter the DNS hostname of the server
  • Press Enter to permission of configuration files
  • Choose "Yes" to ssl support
  • Enter path of openssl on the system, or enter if openssl is installed in default location (normally enter works)
  • Press Enter to IPv6 question
  • Choose "Yes" to ziplink support
  • Enter path of zlib on the system, or enter if zlib is installed in default location (normally enter works)
  • Choose "Yes" to prefixes question
  • Press Enter to backlog value
  • Press Enter to nickname history value
  • Press Enter to SendQ value
  • Press Enter to buffer pools value
  • Press Enter to file descriptors value
  • Press Enter to the more parameters question
Now the SSL certificate questions comes up.. Fill them out as good as you can, im not sure it has much impact.

After you are done you are ready to do make

When make is done we need to compile a few modules:

Enter Unreal3.2/src/modules
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/m_getinfo.c --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/m_ircops.c --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/m_antidccbug.c --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/m_bopmhelper.c --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11

Change into Unreal3.2/
make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_antidccbug
make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_getinfo
make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_ircops
make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_bopmhelper

Other stuff we need also:
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/unrealircd.conf --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/ircd.motd --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/ircd.rules --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11

Then change into the Unreal3.2/networks/ folder and:
wget http://forums.utassault.net/irc/Unreal/worldassault.network --http-user=irc --http-pass=unrealpasspa11

You can customize the ircd.motd file for your server.

Also make sure that you add the modules to your unrealircd.conf file with the loadmodule command (ive added the 4 above to the example file)

Now you have all needed files, you just need to get the unrealircd.conf file right.
The reason we use two files is that we try and keep all network wide settings in the worldassault.network file (that you shouldnt have to change), and the server specific configurations in the unrealircd.conf file.
Edit the unrealircd.conf to match the server settings.
Remember to change the numeric of the server in unrealircd.conf, two server can't have the same numeric.. You can check taken numerics by joining the network, and type /map. The numerics are the last numbers.

There is one setting i'd like to keep the same on all servers, that i didnt put it in the network file:
The recvq at 3000 should be the same on all servers.
The ports should be the same on all servers if possible, ive used 6660-6669 for normal connections and 7000 for SSL..

At the buttom of unrealircd.conf the DNS server is specified.
Remember to change it to the DNS server your server uses.

Generally unrealircd.conf should be pretty ready for most servers.
I suggest you dont delete the current O:lines in there, also the link block should only need to have a thing a two changed to work.

Normally you would only have to change:
  • Server info
  • Admin info
  • Optionally add yourself an O:line
  • Link settings
  • DNS server
After you have edited the config file, and made sure that all files are in place, you are ready to fire up the ircd. This is done with:
./unreal start
The unreal file is just a script which can do things like rehash/restart/stop and start.
You might also want to look at the crontab script in Unreal3.2/ircdcron

[Edit: added module part]
[Edit: added numeric note]
[Edit: added password for download of files, and changed all files to be wget'ed]
[Edit: changed some stuff and added list of things to change in unrealircd.conf]
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