UED Help

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2001
i need some help with UED 3.0, im making some tactics and i need to remove the roofing of a building so you can see inside it from a top down perspective! of course i know nothing about UED so i will need some1 to do it for me! UT2004 this is. UED 3.0

pm me if you can help, thanks!

also gonna post this is MAPS forum
UT2004 'roofs' are mainly static meshes, so u cant take off just the roof, u have to delete the hole mesh, that could lead into loosing sum other parts also, specially difficult in mothership and glacier where hole bases are done with 1 big mesh.
If the roof is 'oldschool' subtracted brush u can raise it with vertex editing tool by selecting the brush (ctrl+alt+leftmouse) and just move it upwards, bit hard to explain, u would really have to learn sum basics of editor, its not that hard actually.

Will someone do it for u ? i doubt it, it will take forever :P
Is it all worth it ? nope, just find good angle ingame with ghost :cool:
munkz done it for me now :kiss: (didnt take him long), and i tidied it up. it looks quite good.