trade centre

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Befor i say anything about the of lack respect and braincells of some of the ppl that have posted here, i'd like to speak out my condolences to the friends and the relatives of the victims of this disaster.

Since yesterday 9 o'clock (N.Y. time) i'v been watching CNN. The horrible images that followed the next minutes/hours shocked me and the rest of the world! I really want to call out to all the people around the world to show there respect to the victims.

I really hope that people (and the leaders) in the world have the strength to keep reasoning and won't jump to conclusions or any unnessasery wapons. We are now at the beginning of a new chapter in world history. Let's hope/pray it wont be our last!

I'd like to make clear to the UT players ( and every one else ) that this is not the time for jokes or "funny" nick names! (that i'v already seen in the assault servers and forums!) It's time to show your respect to the victims and your disgust about the terrorism.

Maby UTA could organise some thing to show our respect for the victims. Maby some thing like playing with a '*' befor your nick name to show your sympathy. I think it would be good if uta could organise some thing like that.

Gen, Bad Boy, Finsternis, MrMercenary, and al the other 'funny' guys plz keep your decency.

I am truly sorry if i have said anything disrespectful. My condolences go out to the relatives of the victims of this tragedy
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yeh, i know its UT tradition to spam every thread, and it wasnt done with any alicious intent, but lets leave this one be... :(

I spoke to my uncle in NY 2day, all he could talk about was the way he watched bodies plummet to the ground and fall in front of him...

His wife thought they were gonna die and she called her other sister and said, "will u pick Andrew up from nursery and tell him we love him.. and take care of him if we dont come back....."

My aunt said that ffs........

In addition to the physical scars, just think of the mental ones these poor ppl will ahve to endure for the rest of their lives...
Tanya its so nice when you share ur opinions and thoughts (all mature) with us. You can express urself much betta:D
i am so greatful my 4 relatives survided the destruciton

my 2 unles aunty and husband were round the corner from the tower and 1 of their cars got smashed in fromd desbris, very happy abd luxky they survived , but i think of the people whose relatives and friends that did not surivive, how horrible =(((
Originally posted by Tanya
In addition to the physical scars, just think of the mental ones these poor ppl will ahve to endure for the rest of their lives...

Nobody doubts this, that is why it is getting so much coverage around the world.

I am glad your relitives are safe

Awww thx WKD, was a really nice thing to say.

I'm glad my relatives are safe to, .... Its such a scary thought to think they were directly affected by this...

I went to the US Embasy to but some flowers and say a preyer, not that im at all religious but if there is a God I'd like to think he was watchin over NY now.

It was horrible, full of ppl wailing and crying, . Very strange atmosphere in on the tubes and trains in london as well.. its just silence.. no-body says anything, just everyone united in grief...

"The brutal attacks/bombings this week in New York, and Washington D.C., along with threats of attacks there and elsewhere in the country have changed our times forever. While the mass media concentrates on the details of the destruction, and the blanketed words of politicians, I will attempt to understand and explain the events from the fence. BOMBING AND BEING BOMBED ARE THE SAME THINGS ON DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE FENCE.
Terror is not a spontaneous human action without credence. People just don’t hijack planes and commit harikari (suicide) without any weight of thought to the action. No one in the media seems to ask WHY DID THESE PEOPLE DO THIS HORRIFIC ACT OF VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION?
To be able to understand the answer to this, we must first look at our U.S. Mideast Policy. During most of the 20th century, U.S. businesses have worked on attaining oil rights and concessions from countries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. After WWI, secret back door deals by our State Dept. yielded oil rights from then defeated Turkey to fields in what is now Iraq and Saudi Arabia, in return for looking the other way at a crime against humanity, the Genocide of the Armenians by the Turks. Oil profits have been the motivating factors behind many attempts at counterinsurgency of democratic regimes by the CIA and the U.S in the Middle East (such as Iran in the 1950s, where the Shah replaced the Prime Minister who refused to give up oil rights to the U.S., and since the people couldn’t deal with the Shah, an extremist government headed by the Ayatollah Khomeini ultimately prevailed). During the Iran-Iraq war, America supplied both sides with weapons and advice. These are not the actions of a rich superpower wanting peace. Let’s not forget that Saddam Hussein, before being America’s vision of the Anti-Christ, was a close ally of the U.S., and the CIA. So what was the firm belief system of consecutive American administrations that caused all this to occur ? PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST WILL LEAD TO HIGHER OIL AND GASOLINE PRICES. Let’s not also forget the power of the Arms industry, disguised as defense, that still sells billions of dollars of weapons to the area. Therefore it has not been in the short-term economic interest of the U.S. to foster Peace in the Middle East. Using the above reasoning, the U.S. has encouraged extremist governments, toppled democracies, as in the case of Iran to replace it with a monarchy, rigged elections, and many more unspeakable political crimes for U.S. businesses abroad. Let’s not also forget the Red Scare. During the war between the then Soviet Union and Afghanistan, the U.S. armed and supported the Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim organization, and allowed them to export opium and heroin out of their country to pay for those weapons. Therefore the Taliban rose to power and control with the help of the U.S.A. Today, the bombing of Iraq still continues, no longer covered by the media, the economic embargo still remains, killing millions of children, and recently, while the world and the U.N. General Assembly have cried out to bring in peacekeeping forces into Israel and Palestine, to end the escalated war and recent assassinations, the U.S. has vetoed the rest of the Security Council and has halted the possibility of peace, there, in the most volatile place in the world.

People in Serbia, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, and Afghanistan to name a few have seen bombs fall, not always at military targets and kill innocent civilians, as the scene in New York city yesterday. The wars waged by our government in our names has landed smack in the middle of our living room. The half hour of destruction closed down all world financial markets, struck the central headquarters of our military, and had our leaders running into bunkers, and our citizens into fear and frenzy. What scares me more than what has occurred is what our reactions to the occurrences may cause. President Bush belongs to a long generation of Republican Presidents who love war economies. The media has only concentrated on the bombings, if you will, and what type of retaliations are looming for the perpetrators. What everyone fails to realize is that the bombings are a reaction to existing injustices around the world, generally unseen to most Americans. To react to a reaction would be to further sponsor the reaction. In other words, my belief is that the terror will multiply if concrete steps are not taken to sponsor peace in the middle east, NOW. This does not mean that we should not find the guilty party(s), Bin Laden, or whoever they may be, and not try them. Put simply, as long as a major injustice remains, violence precipitates to the surface of life.
Native American folklore, the Bible, Nostradamus, and many other major religious beliefs point to this era with the visuals of yesterday’s disasters, and conditions of ecological disasters we experience daily in our lives today. War, rumors of war, famine, long burning fires, etc., are at our doorstep. We can prevail over this possible vision with the power of the human spirit, understanding, compassion, and peace. IT’S TIME TO PUT OUR NEEDS FOR SECURITY AND SURVIVAL, ACHIEVED ONLY THROUGH PEACE, ABOVE AND BEYOND PROFITS, ESPECIALLY IN THESE TIMES.
The U.S. should stop sidestepping the U.N. Security Council, and allow U.N. Peacekeeping troops and missions to the Middle East. Stop the violence first.
Stop the bombing and patrol of Iraq.
With today’s gains in the use of alternative fuels, develop them to full usage with autos and other utilities, to make the country less dependant on an already depleting natural reserve, oil.
By initiating peace, we would have already shaken the foundations of support for Bin Laden, and/or all those that sponsor activities like those we saw yesterday, and break the stronghold of extremists on the world of Islam. On the other hand, if we carry out bombings on Afghanistan or elsewhere to appease public demand, and very likely kill innocent civilians along the way, we’d be creating many more martyrs going to their deaths in retaliation against the retaliation. As shown from yesterday’s events, you cannot stop a person who’s ready to die"

Serj Tanikan (system of a down)

and i second every word of it.

Happy none of ur relatives got hurt.. physically.. must have been traumatic to see people plummit to the ground from all the way up there. and the impact of the planes and the fall of the buildings.. well. all of it :( :(
Diffrent ppl handle things diffrently.

I have friend stateside to, some i havent heard from..
Guy who makin new -BoD- site live in NY, and i aint heard from him:(
Physically he is, but mentally no:(
His parents were havin breakfast in one of the resterauts they have in one of the WTC:( :(
He sent a msg via ICQ last night, and said he wont be round for a VERY long time:( :(