Storytime - The Return

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..and thought: "omg, hard stuff!:psycho:What have i done?"
and then he looked to the window and saw something in the garden. It was a...
"...I might have to have a word with him".

So Ajax went outside and asked the boy what he was doing. The boy's eyes took on an unearthly red glow and Ajax felt his head begin to swim. Strange memories that weren't his came and went and then he blacked out.

When he awoke on the lawn the boy was gone but Ajax felt very strange. His clothes seemed a lot bigger and he smelled of wee....
...because he had eaten custard using one of the seaweed coloured spoons from Bob's truck...

(yes, I read the entire thread)
..go in the city right to the next supermarket. There he bought four bananas, three sweets,hairspray,orange juice,a bottle dish liquid and coca cola because pepsi was out of stock, but he knew it would do its job aswell.
After he paid all those things with counterfeit money he quickly ran out of the supermarket and went to a small house in the nearest forest not far from the city. The house was made out of gingerbred and all sweets he could imagine. When he knocked at the door a very old womand with a long nose opened him and said: "Hello young man! I knew that you would come! So I guess we close the bargain?...
Then the old woman started working hard in the kitchen where no cauldron remained unused. Tea is what the young man wanted and tea is what he would get.... In the mean time Ajax settled on the comfy chouch in the living. He looked around and noticed some very odd......
...photoshopped pictures of himself with the eyes cut out of them. He also noticed the photo of his arse 11x12 meters up in the ceiling..

He jumped straight away to the conclusion that....
dreaming it had been indeed.

Meanwhile, Bill had begun searching for the diamonds again. During his journey, max hit bill with a coconut, making bill unable to dodge the trees. He was mad at max and gave him a good spanking and then kicked him out of the story.
As he wandered bumping into trees that cunningly ran into his face, he remembered that if he would not hurry, SUYM land would be destroyed!
So he went to the old hag of naarm hill where he....
he was fapping so loudly he woke up the underlings in the office next to the archives. This caused a major mayhem, old farts rudely awoken from their well deserved mid morning nap started to.......