Site/Forum request.

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

What kind of thing do you mean?

Like a % complete kind of thing you see on some mod sites?

Or like a news page kind of thing with info on whats completed?
Info on what's completed, definitely. % Completed doesn't really mean much, especially when you hit snags, I think.
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The reason there hasn't been a great deal in the form of progress reports is because we don't want to reveal too much about U:C at this stage :)

From a coding viewpoint things are going pretty well. The baisc gameplay code is almost complete (from a functionality standpoint, it will need refinement, testing and debugging b4 release). By basic gameplay code I mean the code that defines the gametype, as in objectives, stages, loadout system, spawn system, configuration screens etc. The game would be playable in its current form as a "Mod", the remainder of the coding work really revolves around what sets a "Total Conversion" apart from a "Mod", and thats weapons, inventory, vehicles etc. We should be starting work the weapons and equipment soon :D

From a mapping standpoint things are going a little slower :\ To ensure that U:C doesn't have a "yet another UT2003 mod" feel to it, we've decided to mostly do all our own static meshes etc, which has slowed down mapping considerably. This and the fact that some of our team members have had RL issues that have reduced the time they can spend working on it, has meant that progress on the mapping side of things has been slower than anticipated. We're trying to get more mappers and moddellers onboard (we have a new mapper starting this week hopefully), so with any luck we will be back on track soon :D (if you know of any mappers / modellers who may be interested or are one yourself then plz lmk).

Other than that there's not much else I can tell you. We'll hopefully have some more screenies for you in a few weeks...
erm haven't seen neuro much anyway havent been online much also but i will mail him prolly the better way to get him in your hands :D